**Chapter 15 HEARTS BREAK TOO...

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I wake up to a headache, feeling as if leeches were preying on me all night. The day before was shameful, filled with disgrace. I couldn't believe that I had to fake the act of a kiss to survive. Although it wasn't sex, it was still embarrassing enough that I gave myself over to such a vehement, hostile being of a vampire woman. I try to drown out my thoughts with alcohol that is snug beneath my bed when I hear footsteps and laughter outside of my dorm room. I walk over to open the door with a dizzy headache and to my shock I see Willow and Eloise, arms tangled together and walking away from me. I take a deep breath and slam my head against the door without them noticing. She was betrothed with Willow, what a surprise. What a pity her mate wasn't me. I felt ashamed that she was seeing Willow, her other human bloodmate. How come she got to kiss her and not me!


I denied the wishes of the Chancellor and cornered Cadence into the shadowy corner of the building outside. She seemed confused and upset at the same time, her eyebrows furrowed together. As I came up to her, she studied the ground nervously. She was probably nervous because she feared that I cornered her because I wanted to draw blood from her. But that wasn't nearly as close to my intentions as wanting my mouth to meet hers. Without any words to say back, she stepped closer to me, to reach my gaze.

"I-" before she could even say anything I stopped her with a kiss. "Bu-" her words were stopped, her forming inarticulate words that did not matter, and her mouth melted into mine. Mmm she felt the softness of Cadence's mouth on hers. She tasted of a caramel heaven, with a treat in her mouth. She bites a piece off for me to share with her and kisses me with the chocolate goodness melting in both our mouths. Nothing could stop Eloise from falling in love with Cadence. She was damn sure that not even the laws of physics could stop her.


"I don't care, it's none of my concern that you want something from me," I said brutally to Eloise's face. Like I cared if she was fucking Willow. The more that I raged against the tough elements against me, the better I felt. I really was a sadist. Pain made me stronger and I loved feeling it. Every minute of this damn torture made me feel powerful, like my already soon-awakening wasn't powerful enough. Although, the sadistic side of me pretended to enjoy watching her play around with Willow, I was actually tired of her playing with my heart.

I forgot to mention that she finally came to the light about the secretive hiding in the den with Willow the other day and all of the other days before that. "I fuck her, but I make love to you," she said defensively. At least, she didn't take her to our secret garden I thought.

"No shit we make love, Eloise! But you so far as spread your own legs for someone else to fuck is ridiculous!" I snarl and rage against the bitter wind. Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her. FUCK HER! "But she's my other blood mate. She'll get jealous if I only show you attention," she made an explicable, lame excuse to me. The rage inside of me turned into bitter, utter sadness as she left me again for Willow's chambers. What was it that Willow had that I didn't? What could she give Eloise that she was so unwilling to let go? I proceeded to tear up and wallow in self-pity as she turned around the corner to head the other direction.


That whole night I played Sweet Nothing By Calvin Harris, because that's exactly how I felt about my relationship with Eloise. I realized that sometimes heartbreak and sullen instances shockingly breeds creative new pursuits and a tinge of happiness. I guess singledom was freeing and marked a new beginning for most. Less I become nothing to her, would I let her go and stay with my bloodmate Zephyrus instead? I had to do something to rekindle the flames of our love. The whole day Eloise does not speak to me. It seems as though she is lost in the eyes of Willow one time that I see her and they make a lot of small talk. She seems to be taking care of Willow very well. I became envious of their relationship because I only wanted her for myself. She belonged with me and not some silly, Latina girl with punk blue hair. Every now and then, I would sneak glances at her from afar, yet realized how the distance made my heart grow fonder. I heard whispers that night that someone had been killed in the upperclassmen corridors. It is a vampire and not a human. I am surprised because usually only humans were killed on a recurring news level. Although the vampires were strong, they did not usually come at each other as often and humans were always afraid to fight back. Humans argued about silly things too, but vampires probably harbored deeper trespasses along with their long lifespans of millennials and eons. I am sure that vampires would physically beat each other up more often than the human race because they were intentionally made stronger by God. They had stamina, long lifespans, several love affairs, and rumbling secrets. The vampires were not a race nor breed to be fucked with. Dare I say less? I, on the other hand, was not scared of Zephyrus, I was simply annoyed at this point. Knowing that I was an inactive Alchemist of a very long winding line of alchemy prowess only made it my mission to kill her and any other vampire beast that got in my way. I would not let my guard down this time. I must meet my mother to learn how to use my powers, otherwise, I might die in this mess of a school war. The Chancellor and Rhett were already scheming and I was getting ready to prepare for warfare. No one is safe this time. It is my time.

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