**Chapter 21 CIRCLE FEAST

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Rockstar by Post Malone (Cover by Sofia Karlberg)

I first choose Vernon to feed off of me because I respected him just enough to help me this time. There was still the same prickling sensation as his sharp jagged teeth pierces my neck, oozing blood out of it. After he is finished, I of course allow my beloved Eloise to suck my blood. She stands between Vernon and I and approaches me slowly. She cocks her head to one side and remarks, "Is it alright if I do this for your strength, my love?" I look at her and blush, embarrassed that she even had to ask me a question like that. I pause and kiss her lips and hold both of her hands in mine. She then gets ready to bite my neck by angling her head to the left and I feel excited, but scared still at the same time.

Slowly, but surely, she flexes her large, sharp fangs and bites into my neck. "Ahh-mm" I moan as she sips up small amounts of blood from each side of my neck until I can't feel my veins anymore. I was surprised. She didn't suck as much blood from me as the first time. I ask her why she did that and she replies, "Because I don't want to hurt you...I expected you to cry more than that after the pain. Honey, I value your safety and comfort far above my own. I can imagine that being bitten by a ghoul like me is something awful at first. As for me, I don't know if I could stomach it."

I rush in to hug her and cry into her shoulder, a happy sad feeling of solemn jubilee. I am so happy that she loves me that much and I feel as if she is enough for my whole life to brighten, not dimming even unto the last days of death. Breathless, she grabs my head and holds it against her strong shoulders. I feel light and childlike with her holding me like a newborn baby. I blush and continue to stand there, drenched in her love. "Thank you, Eloise... you are the only thing keeping me going on this dark earth," I say to her face that is inches away from mine.

She kisses me, pushing her tongue against my lips, asking for permission to enter my mouth. I allow her entry and she dances with my tongue in a ballad of mystery. I am unsure of love and how to love I think as I kiss her harder. Because of God, because of the beauty of this earth and His creation, we are able to have these creatures of grandeur. He is a good God I think. He who made us fall in love with one another and to fall in love. Eloise suckles on the wounds of the bite from earlier and I am falling deeper and deeper into the vortex of her scent. She smells of roses, vanilla, and honey. More or less, I could tell you that my life had just begun with Eloise here to join me. We were to conquer together... to have great feats. Vernon and Lux look away, of course, letting us have our moment alone together. "Geez, they're a hot couple, huh," Lux smirks at Vernon. "And so are we," Vernon's voice trails off as he embraces Lux in a cute, solid embrace.


I become like a feral creature when all of them bite me and I mistake my senses first to be of regular hunger and thirst. It feels as if the transformation of being turned allowed me to become a hybrid-alchemist. Mom told me that the term refers to an alchemist that can revive their teammates if they die, but only once for each individual by giving up my own blood. It's sort of like a reversal vampire method.

Love, Cadence Madlock

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