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Vernon greets me the next morning over coffee and brunch. He says hello awkwardly and approaches me with Lux by his side. "Hey Cadence, Lux and I are dating actually, and um, he's my new boyfriend... I just wanted to ask you if it was ok with you because he's your best friend." He says with zeal in his voice for his new partner. I am taken aback by what he just told me and reply curtly and kindly, "Sure, it's none of my business if you two hit it off." Eloise then comes out from the shadows and greets me with a friendly smile. Ah, I thought. It was so nice to see that gorgeous smile of hers again. Immediately she pulls me to the side and says in a hushed tone, "Do not speak to that man, he is not who you think he is." I give her a puzzled look. "What, why, what's wrong?" I ask, feeling like I missed a chapter. She doesn't say anything, with a look on her face that reads she is afraid of the consequences of spilling the tea.

Still lost, I tell her "Just tell me, what happened?" She looks forlorn and her head falls into her lap. She sits there for a long minute. "Oh God, Cadence, if I tell you please don't tell anyone or we both will get in trouble by the Chancellor's belt." I put my hands on her chin to lift up her downcast countenance. "Tell me. You know that you can trust me with your life, love," I say with a softness of a thousand clouds. My anger had resided after some time after all. She turns her head towards me and looks me intently in the eyes. There is a somber ambiance and the atmosphere turns drab, and her eyes grow duller, and duller. The glimmer in her eyes that is usually there is gone.

"Vernon... He killed Zephyrus for you and I to be together..." she whispers nearly inaudible into my ear. "And he told me not to tell you..." she says. "And I don't know why I am hiding it from you, because you should know..." she whispers again. For a moment, I turn away from her and the air is stale, barren of any life. Wait, she...died? I think to myself with animosity, fear, and confusion mixed together. I hold her hands in mine and ask her, "Zephyrus is dead? Like a lifeless corpse? How did he even kill her?"

She grips my palms tight and answers, "I don't know either. I just saw him drag her in a body bag last night, with a stake in his hand. Vampires aren't allowed to have stakes on campus, so I don't know how he got his hands on one to stab her to death. That damn man is dangerous," she replies in a low voice. I can't trust a soul at this academy, I think to myself sadly.


I remember back to my childhood when the school bullies would dismantle me piece by piece. I was on the school playground during recess when they kicked me to the ground, laughing. And they laughed loudly. Not small whispers of hatred, but harrowing displays of raging sin were their weapon of choice. Kick, punch, spit at, mock, or gossip, there was always something.

I was always the butt of the joke. But, I am sick and tired of this happening to me. This time I wouldn't stand for such heresy and mockery. I will fight back. Ok and on a side note, I was flabbergasted at Vernon coming out too. He and Lux made a sort of cute couple I guess.

Love, Cadence Madlock

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