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The miserable day afterwards, Eloise invites me to the same secret garden hidden behind the cliff entrance. We meet up at the spot and we start talking about life. "So, what do you think the meaning of life is?" she asks abruptly. "I think that the meaning of life is cherishing memories with loved ones," I say matter-of-factly. "I brought drinks this time. Hehe.." she laughs a little as she pulls out two big bottles of vodka. "And we have some smokes, if you want too," she handed me a longer than usual cigarette that smelled pleasant. I lied about not smoking. I actually smoked socially with those I enjoyed the company of.

We sat on the bench and both felt mellow, experiencing a new wave of peace as we each took our second drag of the cigarettes. "How do you like your stoge?" she asks me with the cigarette still in her mouth. I pull out the cigarette away from my face and respond saying, "It's good, the taste is there. Not too bitter, but just as sweet. Menthol's my favorite." Eloise purses her lips and looks at me again, furrowing her brows so that they knit together, "Are you a tough punk," she relinquished, then handed me the bottle of vodka. "I am," I say to her remarkably. I loved alcohol, andI couldn't get enough of it. We both sat there, downing the alcohol when I started to feel a little nauseous. The process of becoming intoxicated was like that. A little and you're flustered, half a bottle and you become more than tipsy, a whole bottle and you're gone. I wasn't paying attention to the amount of alcohol I consumed and was more than halfway past the point when Eloise stared at me with those same bargaining orbs. What does she want from me? I question myself. She comes close and blows the smoke from the cigarette to the right of my face.

Before I knew it, she picked at the hem of my t-shirt and slowly lifted it up to reveal the branded marks on my stomach and upper back. I was branded with the marks of the Vanguard Society to become an exclusive servant for bloodsucking and other such questionable duties. Nevertheless, the Chancellor was unforgiving and spiteful. One mark was the Rosebud and the other was a lion, the school's logo. "Cadence...are you ok?" she gestured towards my whiplash marks on my stomach and upper back. "Oh, God, please tell me you're ok," she replied sheepishly like it was her fault that the humans were going extinct. What exactly was she so apologetic about when she had nothing to do with the Chancellor's evil doings I thought insufferably. She probably bathed every night, lathering herself in body butter I think dreamily.

She started staring at my belly button for five minutes before I started freaking out.

"What, why are you staring at my belly button?" I asked her nervously. "Nothing," she murmured. "It's just, your stomach's cute." She came closer and closer until her mouth was nearly touching mine. I became undone as she reached for my lips with her fingers, caressing them slowly with her soft thumb. "I don't want to hurt you," she murmurs in a small voice, inaudible to everyone except for us. "I want to protect you, Cadence," she grabs my face in her hands and kisses me with fervor. The heat from her mouth fuses with mine and we are a hot drunk mess that afternoon in the garden. In the wilderness of her heart, I found some respite.


That night in my room, I began to ruminate over whether or not I should trust Zephyrus, who worked for the likes of Rhett and the Chancellor. Eloise, on the other hand, seemed to side with the human gang and I never saw her abuse the humans like the others did on a daily basis. Although I was a seemingly normal girl with newfound powers, I still felt like a human at heart. Nothing could change the fact that I was raised a human. I had sympathy for their race, although I recently found out that I was one of the most powerful mages of my family.

What else was more miserable was that I was kissed. Not that being kissed by a beautiful girl was scary or gross. I was just unsure of how to feel. She nonchalantly kissed me out of nowhere, her piercing hazel-brown eyes eyeing me down as I felt like a deer in headlights. I guess you could say that she was warming up to me, a simple human-ish girl.

Love, Cadence Madlock

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