He was right. I didn't enjoy how he came between us as if I couldn't handle my anger. No man needs to help me in this, but it's nothing I can do now. At least it was Daniel and not any of Bangtan. He at least knows I can take care of myself, unlike others.

''Oh, hi,'' the girl in the middle said to Daniel, and her tone sounded so seductive that it made me gag. ''They can leave, but I can stay here with you,'' she reached to Daniel's shoulder, but Daniel shrugged it off.

''I'm not interested, now leave,'' Daniel said, and walked away. He didn't want to stay in the scene where this woman could lure into his brain and cause damage.

I secretly giggled to her face when she realized Daniel had blown her off like that. I have told Daniel about her, and she isn't even his type, to begin with. I know Daniel well enough to know this isn't the type of woman he likes. He isn't even looking at anyone. He likes to have fun without chains.

''You heard him, bye!'' I waved to her, smirking. ''Leave this town immediately if you want to stay alive.''

''Was that a threat? I'm not planning on going anywhere. But I will leave here. This place seems dead anyway,'' she walked out of the club with her little minions.

Gosh, I hate that woman.

The evening was ruined because of her. The girls continued having fun, but I sat by the tables, drinking one shot after another. I needed to cool down my head and forget about her. I couldn't stop thinking how she'd now wander around the city.

''Should you slow down a little?'' Daniel appeared sitting next to me. ''I soon need to carry you home.''

He had that little flirt in his tone. I chuckled and gulped down another shot. ''I have a good tolerance, you know that.''

''I do,'' he replied. ''But I also know you aren't drinking for fun right now. You are drinking because you're pissed off. That will end badly if you don't slow down right now.''

''I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine,'' I said.

''Nah, you are not fine,'' Daniel said. ''I understand why you're pissed. Even I didn't think she would show her face here after everything. You have every right to be angry with her, but is this worth it?''

I looked at Daniel. I was between thinking this was worth all of this, and then this wasn't. I had mixed feelings about this whole situation. ''Yes, I mean no.''

Daniel chuckled in response. ''Like I said, it's justified to be angry with her. But she left. She listened to you and left without staying and picking more fights.''

I scoffed. ''That doesn't mean she left the town. I'm sure she wasn't aware of my presence here, although I wouldn't count on that thought either. There could still be people supporting her and wanting the best for her. Maybe those people told her I was here just so that she could come here and piss me off.''

''That could be right,'' Daniel sighed. ''But getting drunk like this isn't going to make it better. Yes, she is still in town, and only God knows where she is heading and her plan, but you can't do anything right now. So should we get to my place, or do I drop you, girls, home?''

It'd be stupid not to obey Daniel. It took me a lot of effort to make up with him, and if I go against him again, he probably will never talk to me again. Or that is just an exaggerating thing, but you never know.

''What if she is here to see Namjoon?'' I asked, totally ignoring Daniel's offer. ''What if she is here to get him again, to take revenge on me? She failed last time but with cost. She has probably learned now and knows how to play this game.''

That woman I so much hated was Karina. She is their leader. Her friends are Winter, Giselle, and Ningning. Those are their secret names, I have never heard their real names, but that's beside the point.

They used to rule here way before me and my friends got involved. She or they were loved in this city, just like we are now. But more importantly, they were adored by Bangtan.

Karina loved Namjoon, and I don't know if she still does. It could sound bizarre to think that she almost ruined everything for me and Namjoon when she was here before me. But she came into the picture when I had been dating Namjoon for a year.

She started a rumor that went on through all gangs, and eventually, it landed in my gang and Bangtan. I don't even want to recall the whole situation. She managed to break us off, she took him, and they started dating.

Namjoon forgot that I even existed at that point. I became no one. I had no business going on because no one trusted me. Everyone wanted to break off the deals with me, and I was scared that I needed to move from Seoul to somewhere else. I couldn't imagine that to my girls, so I would have let them join another gang instead of leaving with me.

''I still feel like that rumor was just ridiculous, and everyone believed it,'' Daniel chuckled after a silence. ''To think that you wanted to harm her unborn child that happened to be Namjoon's. Just crazy.''

Yeah. Somehow, she told everyone she was pregnant with Namjoon's child, and when I found out about that, I caused her miscarriage by being violent against her.

The whole rumor was ridiculous. It was beyond childish to make up that kind of rumor. I cannot think of what things went through that woman's head when she made it up. The rumor is something you make when you're in high school, not when you're an adult. And I cannot believe everyone fell for it, even Namjoon.

''I bet she has done this before because she was, so confident about it. It is not something you just come up with in one night because you have to have proof,'' I laughed to Daniel.

Daniel laughed along with me. ''Yeah, I bet. She seems like a high school princess.''

The truth is, she was pregnant. However, she wasn't pregnant with Namjoon's baby. I don't even know what went through his mind when she told him. We were together at that time or starting our relationship. He did sleep with her. It wasn't the case where he didn't sleep with her and then automaticly thought he was the father. She just let one piece of information out: she slept with many guys.

It was convenient to say it was his because Namjoon was popular in the city. He was the most admired person at that time, and he still is. Of course, she tried to lure herself into his life for good.

And what comes to the rumor about me attacking her and causing her miscarriage was not true. None of us had any idea what caused her to lose the baby, but it was not me. I have proof I was with Daniel that night doing business, and many others can also witness that.

After her miscarriage, she suddenly left the city. She didn't leave any note for Namjoon, who was worried sick because she lost the baby. I have a feeling that even to this day, Namjoon thinks it was his child, and he hasn't gotten over her in a way.

He never spoke about her when he was with me, nor did he bring the whole thing up. At least he believed it wasn't me who caused her to lose the baby. She was never mentioned again until now.

''What do you think she'll do next?'' Daniel asked after a while. I had stopped drinking already because now I was getting shivers all over my body just thinking about the past.

''Well, you know what she will do,'' I replied. At that second, my phone vibrated. I got it out of my purse and opened it to see the text. It was from Jungkook.

''Guess who just walked in.''

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