A desert U.N.L.F.O.(Unidentified no longer flying object)

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TW: Mentions of death

Tavàri and Gabriel had been walking for hours under the scorching sun in the Danos desert hoping to find an oasis or a caravan that could help them. Tavàri, being a tiefling, was not bothered by the heat at all. In fact, she enjoyed feeling the warmth on her red skin and horns. She was humming a cheerful tune and occasionally teasing Gabriel about his sweaty face and wilted ears.

Gabriel, on the other hand, was suffering. He was an elf of the northern forests, used to the cool and shady environment. He had cast a spell to create a small cloud over his head, but it only provided minimal relief. He was thirsty, tired and annoyed by Tavàri's jokes.

"Can you please stop that?" he snapped at her. "This is not the time for humour. We are in a serious situation."

"Oh, come on, lighten up a bit," Tavàri said with a grin. "It's not like we're going to die here. Well, maybe you will, but I'll be fine."

"That's very reassuring," Gabriel said sarcastically. "You know, you could use your fire resistance to help me. Or maybe create some shade or something."

"Sorry, no can do," Tavàri said. "My fire resistance only works on fire, not heat and I'm born with it, it's not a spell or anything like that. Besides, I like it here. It reminds me of home."

"Home? Where is that? The Nine Hells?" Gabriel asked.

"Wow, rude much?" Tavàri said. "No, I'm from a volcanic island in the south of the Kingdom of |Kenmajsalasia. It's very beautiful there. You should visit sometime."

"I think I'll pass," Gabriel said.

They continued their journey, hoping to find some respite soon.

As they walked, they noticed a strange shape on the horizon. It looked like a large metal structure, reflecting the sunlight. Tavàri squinted her eyes and tried to make out what it was.

"Hey, do you see that?" she asked Gabriel.

He nodded. "Yes, I do. What is it?"

"I don't know," Tavàri said. "But it looks interesting. Maybe we should check it out."

Gabriel hesitated. He was not sure if it was a good idea to deviate from their path. But he also knew that they needed water and shelter soon.

"Maybe there's someone there who can help us," he said.

"Or maybe there's something there that can kill us," Tavàri said.

She smiled wickedly and started to run towards the structure.

"Come on, don't be a coward," she shouted over her shoulder.

Gabriel sighed and followed her. He hoped that whatever they found there would be worth the risk.

When they reached the structure, they realized that it was an old airship that had crashed in the desert long ago. The metal hull was rusted and dented, but still intact. There were some windows and doors that looked like they could be opened.

Tavàri wasted no time and climbed onto the airship. She kicked one of the windows and broke the glass.

"Hey, look at this!" she exclaimed as she peered inside.

Gabriel joined her and looked through the window. He saw a dark and dusty interior with wires, pipes and machines everywhere.

"It looks like some kind of laboratory," he said.

"Or a treasure trove," Tavàri said.

Tavàri picked the lock on the door and it opened with a creak.

They entered the airship and explored its rooms. They found various items that looked valuable or useful: tools, weapons, books, maps, clothes and more. They also found some skeletons of people who had died in the crash or later.

Tavàri ignored them and focused on looting everything she could find. Gabriel felt uneasy and wondered what had happened to them. He also noticed that some of the machines were still working or had signs of recent activity. He wondered if someone else was still alive in the airship or had visited it recently. 

As they were about to leave with their loot, they heard a loud noise from behind them. They turned around and saw a man standing in front of them. He was wearing a leather jacket and goggles and had a metal arm and leg. He was holding a loaded crossbow in his hand and pointing it at them. He looked angry and surprised.

"Who are you?" he demanded. "What are you doing here?"

Tavàri and Gabriel stared at him in shock. They realized that they had just stumbled upon the owner of the airship. Before they could answer, the man fired his crossbow. A crossbow bolt whizzed past Tavàri's head and hit a pipe behind her. Steam erupted from the pipe and filled the room with hot vapour. Tavàri and Gabriel ducked and ran for cover. They grabbed their loot and tried to find a way out. 

The man chased them, shooting and cursing. They dodged and weaved through the maze of machines and wires. They reached the exit and saw the desert outside. They jumped out of the airship and ran towards the horizon. The man followed them reloaded and aimed his crossbow. He pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. He looked at his crossbow and realized that the mechanism was broken. He cursed again and threw his crossbow away. He went back to his airship and slammed the door. 

Tavàri and Gabriel kept running until they were far away from the airship. They stopped and looked at each other. They were both panting and sweating. They dropped their loot on the ground and collapsed. Tavàri laughed nervously and relievedly. They had just escaped from a crazy man with a metal arm and a crossbow. They had just found some amazing treasures in an old airship. They looked at each other again and smiled.

Finally a longer chapter! I told you there would be one! <3 ^^

Tales of Tavàri and GabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant