An Elven snack!

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Tavàri and Gabriel were on their way to the next town when they stumbled upon a small village. They decided to stop there for a while and restock their supplies. As they entered the village, they noticed a group of kids playing near a well. The kids looked at them with curiosity and suspicion, especially at Tavàri, who had red skin, horns, and a tail.

"Hey, look at that! It's a demon!" one of the kids shouted, pointing at Tavàri.

"No, it's not. It's a Tiefling. They're half-demon, half-human," another kid corrected.

"Whatever. It's still ugly and scary. And what's with that pointy-eared guy? Is he her slave or something?" the first kid said.

Gabriel felt a surge of anger at the kid's words. He was not Tavàri's slave, he was her partner. He respected her for her courage and strength, even though she was often impulsive and reckless. 

Tavàri, on the other hand, was not bothered by the kid's insults. She was used to being judged and feared for her appearance. She had grown up in a harsh environment, where she had to fight for survival. She was fierce and fearless, but also kind and loyal. She liked Gabriel because he was smart and calm, even though he was sometimes boring and aloof.

She decided to have some fun with the kids and teach them a lesson. She grinned wickedly and said in a loud voice:

"Actually, he's not my slave. He's, my snack. I'm going to eat him later. Want to join me?"

The kids gasped and screamed, running away from the well. Tavàri laughed heartily, while Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"You're such a troublemaker," he said.

"You're such a killjoy," she said.

I know it's super short and I'm sorry! I just ran out of idea of what to add to this chapter! <3 ^^

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