Fighting against the fear.

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As they all sat around the fire, Gabriel looked at the forest around them. The cool night air swayed the branches of the trees as he listened to the fire crackling. Suddenly his eyes caught on something just within the tree line. Something in the shadows. Something watching them.

"Tavàri." he whispered, easily keeping his voice steady. "Slowly go into your tent and get your weapon. We're being watched."

Without a word, Tavàri picked Luna up off her lap and stood up. She walked towards her tent and picked up her sword and a rag. She then went back to the fire and pretended to clean her sword.

After a moment Gabriel also got up to get his sword. Just as he had picked it up they heard a loud screech that made them jump to their feet. They saw a creature flying towards them, a Nightmare Feeder. It was a beast that fed on the fears of its victims, inducing nightmares and then devouring the fear created by them. It had bat-like wings, a scaly body, a long tail and sharp teeth. It looked like something out of a horror story.

They knew they had to be brave and not let the creature get into their heads. They also had to protect their animals, who were vulnerable to the Nightmare Feeder's attack. Tavàri whistled for Luna, who ran to her side. She charged at the creature with her sword. Gabriel followed her, swinging his sword at the beast. 

Tavàri chanted a spell, creating a circle of fire and light around them. The Nightmare Feeder hissed and recoiled, unable to cross the barrier.

Tavàri and Gabriel exchanged a nod, knowing they had to strike fast. They ran towards the creature, dodging its attacks. Tavàri stabbed at its eyes, while Gabriel slashed at its body. The Nightmare Feeder roared in pain and fury, trying to escape. But it was too late. Tavàri and Gabriel delivered the final blows, killing the beast.

They breathed a sigh of relief, looking at each other with respect and gratitude. They checked on Bones, Bless and Luna, who were unharmed. They decided to move their camp to a safer location, hoping to avoid any more nightmares.

Yeah I know it's not a great fight scene. I kinda suck at writing them but the only way to get better is to practice so bear with me. <3 ^^

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