- Reid Williams

I opened one of the many attached files, the company's vision and motto were on the first page. I scrolled down and skimmed over the company projects, structure, key stakeholders, reputations, etc. I would have to upload the files to my laptop when I got home. My phone did not have enough storage for this much information. I became a little overwhelmed, skimming over the files, but I had two days before I started my job. I could go over them before then.


The big day came faster than the time it takes for an ice cream to melt under the blazing sun. I had gone over all the files and was ready for my first day of work. I wore a black long-sleeved turtleneck and a high-waisted tan skirt over them. A silver bracelet circled my wrist and my hair was tied back into a low ponytail that trickled down my back.

Yep, I was ready.

I stepped into the door of the tall building and made my way up the 27th floor just as I was instructed. I was supposed to meet Halle, the secretary I met the other day. She was going to help me get settled in.

When I approached her deck, she stopped her attack on her keyboard and that heart-warming smile she displayed the other day reappeared on her lips. "Good Morning Miss. Silvia, welcome to your first day. How are you feeling darling?" Her green eyes gleamed up at me.

"I'm a little nervous. I'm not going to lie," I scratched my neck, suddenly wondering if a turtleneck was the right choice this morning.

A light airy laugh floated out of Halle's mouth. "Don't worry, we won't bite. You're now a part of the WilliamsCo family. Act like it," she stood from her chair and rounded the desk. "Let's get you to your office, it's just right over here." She led us to the right side of the building.

My brows rose when I heard the words my and office in the same sentence. "I get my own office?"

"Well of course you do, you're our Civil Engineer. You oversee almost everything." She led us to a wooden door, a golden plaque glued to the door. Jade Silvia. "Wow," I said.

"Well don't just stand out here, go inside. See what it's like," she pushed the door open. The office was something out of a corporate dream. A J-shaped desk stood in the center of the room on top of a white run.

Two comfortable armchairs sat adjacent to my desk and light glowed from intricate cuts made into the wooden painted wall. A bookshelf with filing cabinets underneath occupied the corner space and floor-to-ceiling windows stood opposite of it.

"I love it,' I breathed, taking in the comfortable space. It wasn't as big as Reid's office but it was a hundred times better than the cubicle I was given at EcoClove. There was even a large plant that sat in the corner by the window. I set my things down on my desk, reminding myself to bring in my personal belongings to make it more me.

"It is a nice office isn't it?" Halle looked around in awe as well. "Alright, you can bask in your office later. I have to show you around and introduce you to a few people. Come with me," she linked her arm with mine.

An hour and a half later, I had been on every floor that was in this building. Boy could Halle talk, she knew everyone that worked here and stuck up conversation with anyone she passed by. In less than an hour I learned that the third printing machine only works from 10- 2. Mary Johnson was one person you did not want to piss off if you wanted to leave work on time.

The vending machines have the best snacks on the 4th floor and every second Wednesday of the month we had mandatory team building meetings. Tons of information swarmed in my brain like a group of angry bees.

"I see Halle has finished her painfully long tour," a voice boomed from behind us. We were back on the 27th floor, in front of her desk. I turned around to see a man with dark hair and gray eyes. "Kai Keller, one of WilliamsCo's COO. It seems I am the last to finally greet you," he shook my hand.

I remembered him instantly, he was the friend Dylan was waiting on at the event. "Nice to meet you," my eyes narrowed unconsciously.

"How has your first day been so far? A lot I presume," he said confidently, his hands tucked behind his back.

I nodded, a small giggle leaving my lips. "Yes it is a lot, but I can manage. It's what I was made for."

The slide of elevator doors opening and closing was heard and then seconds later Reid stepped around the corner. Heat burned through my veins, my spine snapping into a straight line. I cursed my body for reacting the way it did when Reid walked into a room. His eyes immediately fell on me, making the thud in my chest beat louder.

"Miss. Silvia, welcome to your first day at WilliamsCo," his honey-colored eyes smoothly rolled over to Halle who sat behind her desk, once again murdering her keyboard. "Did she like the office?" He asked her, probably knowing he wouldn't have gotten a real answer out of me.

"Oh Sir, she loved it. You should have seen her face when she walked in," Halle gushed.

I shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other. A look of pride crossed over Reids' features, "Good. I'm glad you liked it. I would stay and listen about your first day, but I have a business call to take. Excuse me," he raised a brow before turning on his heels and making his way to his office.

"I too have business I need to attend to," Kai (who I had forgotten was even there) spoke next. "Nice to meet you," he smiled politely before heading in the same direction Reid drifted off to.

"Alright darling, your new assignment has been dropped off on your desk so you can get to work. Don't hesitate to bother me if you get lost, you have my number, use it. And make sure to grab yourself a coffee and croissant, they're really good!"

"Thank you so much," I said genuinely. She waved me off saying it was nothing before going back to pounding her poor keyboard. I visited the break room first and did as she said and made myself a coffee with lots of sugar and cream and grabbed a heated croissant". I grabbed a water bottle as well and exited the room.

"Oh," I yelped as I crashed into someone's chest. Coffee spilled all over their shirt, leaving a brown stain on his expensive suit. I looked up to ocean blue eyes. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," I put my things down and scrambled to grab some napkins to dap the wet spot.

"Don't worry yourself, Miss. Silvia, it's just a shirt." Mr. Hart informed me. "I have some spares in my office. I'll be fine."

A sinking feeling grew in my stomach. It was my first day and I already fucked up. I frowned, dropping the napkins on the floor to clean the spill. "I'm terribly sorry Mr. Hart, I should have been looking where I was going."

He waved me off, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Nonsense, you didn't do anything wrong. We both bumped into each other."

I nodded, you can't argue with logic. "I guess you're right."

He chuckled before returning back to his office. I finished cleaning up the mess and made myself another coffee, careful not to bump into anyone on my way out. Maybe if it was Reid I spilled coffee on I wouldn't of mind but it wasn't

I made it back to my office safely, followed the instructions left for me on my desk, and logged into the company-issued computer provided for me. I blew out a breath and got started on an ongoing project I was now overseeing.

 I blew out a breath and got started on an ongoing project I was now overseeing

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