Chapter 7~ Limpy Luke

Start from the beginning

The next thing I tried was slapping his cheek to get him to wake up. That tactic also failed.

I wasn't bothered for this at almost 4:00am.

I walked away for five minutes, then came back with a bucket filled with ice water. Without a care, I poured the water on Luke. Done.

"Woah! What the hell!". Luke was wide awake, panting and wiping the water from his face. "Zoe, what the actual fu-"

"Don't continue that sentence. Get up, and take a shower, you smell like a hobo. You can wear some clothes from Amelia's dad".

"Then what?"

"Then, you're going to explain what on earth you were thinking when you climbed through that window".

So that's how I, Zoe Williams, ended up making a bed for Luke to sleep on. I flattened a few blankets and lay down a sleeping pillow on the couch where Amelia and I had snoozed off.

Just as I was about to leave the room, I turn to a shirtless Luke, leaning against the door frame whilst drying his hair with a towel. My eyes automatically had drawn to his very toned chest and...abs. Zoe, what the hell?

A smirk smeared across his face and my cheeks burned as soon as I my eyes made contact with his. He slowly walks towards me and I shifted awkwardly, not knowing what to do. He stopped about 12 centimetres away from my face. I narrowed my eyes at his actions.

"W-what are you d-doing?"

Why did I stutter?! Zoe, you uncontrollable piece of shit.

His smirk grew wider and all I wanted to do was slap it right off his face.

"Zoe, Zoe...Zoe. Shame on you" he whispers as if someone was to hear him, "I thought you were a good little girl, seeing as you look and act like a virgin" he states.

I was offended. No scrap that, I was fucking furious.

"I am not a virgin" I lie.

"Oh really?"

"Truly. Stop acting like you know me. You know nothing, all I'm doing is giving you a place to sleep so you don't get arrested for your illegal activity" I seriously argue.

"And there it is, Zoe Williams...aka Little Miss Goody" he teases.

I have a very strong urge to slap him right now.

"Always doing what she is told..."

The urge is getting stronger.

"Always following the rules..."

I'm shaking.


I didn't let him finish as my palm connected with his cheek and made a loud 'smack' sound. His head was turned with a red mark on his cheek. I gasped at my unusual action.

"I-I'm r-"

"That's fine. Don't worry". And with that, he just walked away.

Zoe, what on earth have you done?

I got into bed at about 4:45am. Words can't explain how tired I am. I could hear shuffling coming from the lounge room. I ignored them and concentrating on getting a decent couple of hours of sleep.

Thinking about how this night has been a rollercoaster, I finally doze off.

I had only been sleeping for an hour and a half when I heard yelling coming from the lounge room. It scared me awake and I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to wear the yelling was coming from.

As I entered the room, all I saw was a tossing and turning Luke who looked like he was fighting someone in his sleep. One thing a person can't stop...


"I said get off her! No...p-please...Ahh".

I couldn't watch this traumatic battle he was having any longer. I quickly walked over to the couch and placed my hand on his shoulder to shake him awake. "Luke..."

He sat up so fast whilst panting. I just kind of stood there...awkwardly. Well, you can't really blame me.

He rubbed his hands over his face and sighed. We were silent for about a minute or so before he spoke. "Um...sorry for waking you" he whispers.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but I just let it pass by changing the topic. "You want a cup of tea? It always calms me when I'm nervous" I offer.

He unenthusiastically sighs and nods, "Uh, yeah I guess so".

I walk into the kitchen and make two cups of English Breakfast Tea. I carefully place them on coasters and Luke gives me a slight smile in thanks.

I sat across from in and I just...sat.

The silence in the room was actually quite nice. In that moment I felt comfortable in the non-dialogue atmosphere. Just him and I.

Woah, woah. Hold up, did you just express your liking for him being in the room? What is wrong with me?

"So..." he says, breaking the silence.

"So..." I repeat. And it's until then do I realise how cringe worthy the conversation is. Just be a normal human and start a conversation. "Are you working this week?"

He nods while sipping his tea, "Yeah, tomorrow. You?"

And just like that, we had a conversation.

Like normal people.

No fighting, no sarcastic comments, no crashing cars.

Just Luke and I.

I'm so sorry for the wait! When I say I've been working everyday, I mean it. I'm sorry guys!

Hope you liked the new update. Tell me what you think!


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