Naris unfolded one to see why his parents kept such old paper. He skimmed through the news paper and saw nothing that could be of significance to his parents. He turn the paper over and was surprised to see a picture of his grandfather. Curious as to what his grandfather did to make the news, he read through the article.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He couldn't believe his dad didn't tell him any of this was going on. It was like he'd been hit in the chest as he put everything together. He couldn't even move. This couldn't be real. If it was, his dad had a lot of explaining to do.

A few hours later, Shayy and Nigel walked into the house and went straight for the kitchen. They saw Naris sitting in the kitchen and set the food from Smokey Bones on the dinner table and called everyone downstairs. Naris still hadn't moved from his original spot at the kitchen island. He was so furious with his dad.

"Hey baby. You hungry? I got you some spare ribs and mashed potatoes." Shayy walked up to Naris. She looked at the paper in his hand and froze. She then looked back to see Nigel and the kids at the table. "Baby, have them take that to the patio. Let's eat by the pool." Shayy said.

"What? Why?" He looked back at her. He could tell from the look on her face that it was serious. "Alright, you guys take your food out to the patio." Nigel handed them their trays and drinks. "What's going on?"

"How come you didn't tell me that Grandpa killed my mom? Should I even continue to call him grandpa considering he wasn't even my moms' real dad?" Naris looked at Nigel with fury in his eyes.

"It's a crazy story son. And trust me, it's best that you don't know the details."

"I know the details Dad! I read this. It says that he murdered your sister and your mother and fled to the states. They never found him. He changed his name and changed his appearance slightly. Because so many years have gone by, he's gotten away with the murders. He should be doing two life sentences right now. How the hell are you walking around here okay with him? You talk to him, laugh with him, hang out with him and how often do you remind him of his murdering days?"

"Naris, you have to trust and understand me. Had I not met your mother, that man would have been dead. I moved to the states with you, to find him and kill him. I got here and couldn't  find him. I met Natasha's biological mom and we had her. We went through shit, all the while, I searched and searched for this man. Time went on, I'd gotten established in my business. I decided hey, it's best that I make a future for me and my kids first and focus on this later. Shayy came along and after some time of being together and explaining to her what happened, she understood my need for revenge, but more importantly, she understood my children's need for me to be a free man. I know this is upsetting, but as you get older and get a closer relationship to God, it helps you to forgive and move on." Nigel explained.

"Wait, Ma knew about this?!" He looked at her. "How come you didn't tell me? We're close Ma. I share everything with you!" He practically yelled.

"First off, lower your damn voice. Secondly, this was your father's story to tell. Just as he said, it was best for him to be a free man and move on. He did however knock your grandpa the fuck out, but, he didn't kill him like he wanted to."

"He's not my grandpa. Remember dad, you told me my mother wasn't his child. So, he's not my grandpa." Naris stood up. "I can't believe you guys kept this away from me. You lied about who this man really is and you are okay with him being around us. What? Y'all don't fear for the safety of your kids? He killed my mom. She was the same age as Synyai and Juan. What if he gets reminded of that and has the urge to hurt one of them?!"

"He killed Nelda and my mother because Nelda wasn't his and my mother was dying. He was also on drugs. He's not now."

"I'm not biologically his, considering you're not my biological dad. So what, he's gonna shoot me too?"

"He's not going to hurt you. Besides, if you've ever noticed, none of you have ever been alone with him. I still don't trust him. I still wish I could put a bullet through his head. But I'd rather be here, free to my family. You're damn well old enough to understand that." Nigel tried reasoning with him.

No matter how they put it, Naris wasn't seeing things their way. There was a man, who he considered family, walking around free after killing his biological mother and grandmother. He was furious and only saw red. He couldn't believe his parents kept this to themselves. This was crossing the line when it came  to keeping secrets.

"I have to finish packing." Naris left the kitchen with his files he'd pulled out.

Shayy looked at Nigel and saw the stress in his face. He couldn't believe this is how Naris found out. He wanted to have the conversation with him long after Javier was dead. He didn't know what Naris would do. He could only hope Naris kept his distance like he did.

"He'll be okay. Just give him some time." Shayy kissed Nigel's cheek.

"I've managed to build a relationship with my son and fuck it all up in a blink of the eye. This shit is unreal."

"Don't worry baby. Let him cool off. Remember how it went for you."

"Let's eat. Where's Natasha?"

"Probably asleep. I'll go wake her up." Shayy left him alone in the kitchen.

Family Business (L&B Sequel) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now