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"Johnnie?" I yelled leaving my room and slowly walking towards the stairwell

No one answered me and all the noise stopped, leaving me in my own thoughts.

"Johnnie please, I'm really scared right now."

I walked down the stairs slowly looking for Johnnie or my father who seemed to disappear. Shivers ran down my spine as I had the feeling of being watched but as I turned around no one was there. Besides my own fears.

"Johnnie." I whispered

I stood in the middle of the room looking down every hallway but yet too scared to even walk down them. The feeling came back again.

My breathing got heavier as someone wrapped their arm around my waist and put their hand over my mouth.

"It's alright."

That wasn't Johnnie. He smelt like cigarettes and expensive cologne

The fear overtook my body as I passed out in the strangers arm, being overtaken by the darkness.


"Damnit Jake." I said as I found him outside with my fiance passed out in his arms

"I didn't do shit." He yelled

"Did you find him?" I asked while picking up Lana bridal style carrying her to our car

"Fuck no. He ran off like a little rabbit." Jake said

I groaned, of course he would run and hide. He's only thinking about himself and not what could happen to his only daughter. He should be glad that I was there.

I laid Lana in the backseats throwing a blanket over her before getting into the passenger seat.

"Let's get going." I said "We don't need to be caught up in this shit."

Tattoos °J.G°Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ