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My dad started to tell Johnnie everything about our lives. How we earned our money, my own personal life, and how he only cares about the money. He doesn't actually care about me.

"Then you see my wife was killed and Lana was-"

"Shut up." I said looking at him with pleading eyes to not go on about my mom

"Lana, he's family he needs to know-"

"He doesn't need to know shit about mom." I said "I'm done."

I stood up walking out of the dining hall while hearing my father yell for me to come back. I'm over the bullshit.

I shut my bedroom door before laying in my bed trying to undo the laces from my dress. It pissed me off even more that I couldn't do it myself, and I refuse to call my stylist at this hour.

"Do you need help?"

I turned to see Johnnie standing in the doorway.

"Don't you know how to knock? I could've been naked."

"But you aren't."

"But I could've been."


I rolled my eyes before turning away from him.

"And by the way I don't need your help, I can do it by myself."

It was silent making me think that he walked away, but instead I felt cold fingers along my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to pull away

"Untying your strings, now stop moving." He said

Soon the pain stopped and I felt relief being able to breathe nicely again.

"Does that hurt? Wearing it all day and night?" He asked his cold fingers brushing gently on my back

"Sometimes, but you get use to it." I mumbled getting shivers

"Why do you wear it then?"

"It makes me look skinner and more put together."

He was about to say something before something went off making me sit straight up grabbing onto Johnnies arm.

"Stay here." He said getting up and closing the door

I quickly changed into something different while waiting for Johnnie to come back, but he hasn't come back yet and it was too quiet.


Tattoos °J.G°Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ