Chapter 22: Recognition

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Trigger Warning/s: violence, blood, injuries, torture

Pre-chapter notes: A gachapon machine is a self-service capsule machine. To use one, you put in coins and the machine dispenses a random collectible toy or item. Gachapon machines will be mentioned in this chapter.

Art: Anepticus on DeviantArt. They do some amazing, highly detailed, fantastical pieces. If you're interested in Lord of the Rings, one artwork on their portfolio depicts a really incredible fight scene between two of its characters.




The siren's eerie wails turn anxious heads, which seek the source of the commotion. Midoriya jolts out of his seat as Uraraka chokes on her rice.

A tumult of shouting and panic breaks out and you plug your ears. Iida's eyes reluctantly leave you as he turns to ask a passing student what's going on.

"Someone's infiltrated the school grounds!" someone shouts loud enough for you to hear, even with your ears covered. "Come quickly, all of you!"

Midoriya's hands shake anxiously. "We have to go! Come on!"

You observe the suffocating crowd, the way it swallows up individuals into one collective mass. The way the corridor can barely contain the pulsating mass of people, moulding the crowd like a can of sardines.

One collective organism.

You shake your head. "I will stay here. Crowds are... unpleasant."

"But Chibana!" Uraraka insists, worry lines creased on her forehead.

"You go together. I will stay safe. I promise."

Iida stands with arms akimbo. "There is no way we could leave you behind, Chibana! What if someone comes along and you get hurt?"

"I won't. I'll hide."

"Chibana, please? We can surround you on all sides so that it'll just be us around you!" your brunette classmate pleads.


Midoriya sags a little in relief. Iida gives you a serious nod.

"We will protect you, Chibana! Do not worry!"

You don't exactly need the protection - it's just the people that bother you - but you follow them anyway. As promised, the three swiftly make a circle around you before joining the stampede.

Big mistake.

Immediately, you're all jostled around and against each other by frightened students. Uraraka makes a grab for your hand and misses, while Midoriya gets sucked away from you all into another dimension. Complete pandemonium engulfs you as you're rattled and shoved. Someone's arms wrap around you and your quirk activates in a panic, shooting upwards and latching onto the ceiling.

Then you're free from their grasp as your blood contracts, pulling you up above the crowd. You hang upside down, observing the flow of people as they trickle towards the exit like a brackish stream over a shallow, pebbled waterbed.

The view isn't peaceful; the noise is deafening. There are yelps of pain all around, like squealing pigs sent to the slaughter. You watch as heads dip under the sea of people, hands grasping for air.

"Somebody's fallen!" a voice shouts. "Somebody's down! Don't push!"

Luckily for them, from your vantage point, you still see the victim's flailing arm, scrabbling for purchase in the smothering crowd.

A third blood ribbon emerges from your wrist, diving straight for the horde. It feels around and eventually fishes out a boy with spiked black hair, held back by a cross-hatched headband.

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