Chapter 15: Yield

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Trigger Warning/s: none

Pre-chapter notes: none

Art: Jas Hoang on ArtStation. They do some really beautiful illustrations of people. Some of them are of characters you may recognise from films, games, and shows, such as Gwen Stacy, Kirara, Vi, and Yor Forger. I encourage you to check out their work, as there are some really wonderful pieces there!




The rats scurrying around beneath where Shigaraki Tomura currently sits might think it's snowing - especially with the amount of tiny translucent, paper-thin flakes that drift to the floor like leaves on a deciduous tree.

In reality, those are remnants of a long-fought battle between the man's skin and his insatiable fingers, their thirst impossible to slake. No doubt, it's a pointless struggle; trounced time and time again, even as his nails close in on its surface for the thousandth time, the skin stubbornly puts up pointless resistance. Resistance that doesn't seem to be very effective, because Shigaraki's skin looks like it's practically mouldering.

Ironic, considering what his quirk is.

Because when Shigaraki Tomura is upset and there's no-one else around he can physically take it out on, he turns himself into the victim.

"Kurogiri," he spits testily.

The smoky man stands, perfectly straightened in his usual position behind the counter. What could it be this time? "Yes, Shigaraki Tomura?"

"Right now... the kids who took UA's entrance exam should be getting their results, right?"

"I believe so."

He looks up at the misty figure with a narrowed red eye. "I want to know if that Chiyo you've been talking to is one of them."

Kurogiri bows his head. "Unfortunately, she is very stubborn with her personal matters. I am still in the process of getting to know her."

"Why," the scratching intensifies, voice swelling with intensity, "haven't you made any progress with the girl!?" Shigaraki stands up and slams his fist on the counter. "A year. A year and all we know is that she closely matches L/N Y/N's physical description and that she's socially inept! She has to have trialled for UA! There's no way she isn't her!"

"Shigaraki Tomura, please calm down. Many people could match her description. And there are other things yet to be confirmed, like her quirk and-"

"Not based off the photo you showed me! Her face has barely changed! It's undeniably her!" he roars, casting a burnishing glare at the smoky mass. "Kurogiri, you... you should have found out what her quirk is already! You're lucky that I don't crush you right here and now!"

Kurogiri stays silent. He isn't one to shirk responsibilities, but it can't be helped that you've shied away from every single question he's thrown your way. Ideally, he'd like to eschew an aggressive approach, but Shigaraki thinks it's due time for him to speed up the investigation. And what if speeding it up only scared you away? Shigaraki would be furious either way.

He sighs, tugging on the cuff of his sleeve. Is there nothing he can do to please his boss?




It's uncommon for your tea sessions with Kurogiri to be as quiet as they are today. It's not something that bothers you too much, of course - being surrounded by the embrace of gentle conversations and the clinking of teacups on plates is more than enough for you.

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