Chapter 21: Unravelling More than Bandages

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Trigger Warning/s: mentions of blood

Pre-chapter notes: A daruma is a Japanese traditional doll used to symbolise things like perseverance and good luck. They're often sold at stalls in front of shrines or temples, and are often used as an encouragement gift. To use one, you must paint the left eye on the doll and make a wish. When the wish comes true, you may paint the right eye. Different colours also have different meanings, but the most common is red (associated with good fortune).

Art: Motzo Polotzo on ArtStation. They have a really cute, soft, and comforting art style - the kind that would be found in a children's storybook. Looking at it reminds me of the picture books that my teachers would read to me. A very nostalgic style that brings me nothing but joy. If you are not sure what a daruma looks like, the art of theirs that I have displayed is a stereotypical example of one.




Asui Tsuyu, despite being the person you've chosen to accompany you to the infirmary, is not the best person for the task.

She's small and lithe, nimble and graceful. For those same reasons, she's also a terrible choice for a walking stick when both of your legs aren't exactly working to the best of their ability.

"My tongue is disproportionately strong compared to the rest of my body," she mentions, slightly perplexed at your choosing of her. Your bag dangles off her shoulder - she had opted to carry it for you. "We could get you there a lot quicker if you'd let me-"

"No." You're not sure how much more of her touch you can handle - using her tongue would simply be too much. Asui's two arms are already wrapped around yours, gripping you firmly while your other hand grapples at the adjacent wall for support, knuckles paling from your struggle. You have to fight hard not to shiver, a crackle of electricity shooting through your body each time you step forward. This is the most physical contact you've ever had outside of the compound. Contact not borne of violence. Even your handshakes with Kaminari are no match for this.

"I do not actually need to go to the infirmary," you announce. "Asui-san. Thank you for accompanying me this far. You can go back now."

The frog-like girl studies your unsteady gait. Her round, beady eyes meet your fatigued ones, seeking the truth. "Are you sure? Your legs are trembling like a newborn fawn. And not going would mean disobeying Sensei, kero. You're not that kind of student, right?"

You find it hard to go against such a cogent argument. "But... not necessarily-"

"Are you afraid of going to the infirmary, Chibana?"

You freeze. How quickly had she caught on to your efforts to eschew your visit to the nurse's office? Trounced by her analytical stare, your silence gives her enough of an answer.

"There's no need to be ashamed, kero," Asui continues, "but for your own good, you should still go. And I'm coming with you."

Stopping in your tracks and leaning against the wall, you refuse to meet her eye. "No," you tell her stubbornly. You're obdurate in your avoidance, even when she uncovers the truth. "Go back."

The girl shakes her head. "You chose me to accompany you. I need to make sure you get there safely."

"I only chose you because you helped me once," you confess. "I thought that the likelihood of you helping me again was high. I am unsure about the others."

"By that logic, shouldn't you trust Recovery Girl to help you a second time? She's already helped you once."

"...but I don't want to go."

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