Chapter 1: Hierarchy

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Trigger Warning/s: abuse, mentions of blood, violence

Pre-chapter notes: Shishou means 'master' or 'instructor' in Japanese and is a word that will be used in this chapter. Please note that it is not the same as sensei, which means 'teacher'.

Art: huzzain on DeviantArt. They do a lot of 3D modelling, especially of weapons, and a lot of digital art on Marvel characters too. Go check them out and support them if you can.




Over the following months at Scarface's base, you discover that there is a hierarchy of sorts within the compound.

It begins with Scarface (of course, he's the boss), followed by The Adjudicator, The Undertaker, and The Silencer. They're akin to something like his generals, but you prefer calling them Scarface and Friends. Of course, next on the company ladder is pretty much everyone else. Then right at the bottom of the pecking order, is you.

The Adjudicator is the one you meet first - as second-in-command and Scarface's best friend, he is immediately graced with the rather unfortunate responsibility of babysitting you the night after you assume the name Chiyo.

"Kentaro. Train her."

Kentaro. So that was his name.

"Hi Kentaro! Are you gonna be my friend?"

The tired man shoots you a glare.

"It's Adjudicator to you."




Exasperated, he sighs. Well, there was only so much a four-year old could pronounce. But were you really the cornerstone piece for the future mission that boss made you out to be?

"Fine. You can call me Shishou. I will be training you from on. Don't give me any trouble, you hear?"

There's a slight pause as you process his words.

"Okay, let's be friends, Shishou!"

The Adjudicator groans.

"If this is what it takes to get a four-year-old to cooperate then it's alright I suppose..." he mutters to himself and pinches the bridge of his nose until it turns red.

"I'm four and A HALF." You pout indignantly. Oops, you had heard him.

Five minutes with you and he's just about had enough already. With a heavy sigh, he ruefully accepts his fate.

This is going to be a lot of work.




Training is gruelling. Every single day you wake up at 6am, shovel enough rice porridge slop into your tiny mouth to fill your protesting stomach, and trudge your way down to the underbelly of the compound by 6:15. You're afraid to even be slightly late - Adjudicator makes you run an extra five laps as punishment for every "minute of my time you waste", or so he puts it.

Your unforgiving instructor first drills you on basic athleticism. You do what you can manage and then some - you run laps and do push-ups, crunches, and planks until you're either on the verge of vomiting or passing out. Then, you are taught hand-to-hand combat. Adjudicator looks like he's pushing fifty - yet, when you spar with him, he beats you every time.

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