Chapter 7: Charlatan

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Trigger Warning/s: mentions of violence

Pre-chapter notes: For the purposes of this book, I will be ignoring the difficulties of modern forgery due to the proliferation of identity databases, so the events described in this chapter will not necessarily be realistic. Then again, this is just a fanfiction, so nothing is obligated to be realistic.

Also, regardless of what name a character is most well-known by, I will use the name that Y/N is most comfortable with (at the time) when referring to a character. For example, Yoarashi Inasa is known by the English-speaking fandom more commonly as just Inasa, but when narrating in second person I will refer to him as Yoarashi until Y/N starts calling him Inasa.

Art: on DeviantArt. They make absolutely stunning art of rooms, buildings, natural environments. Please support them if you can.




The next time you see the outside world, you are about fourteen. You haven't escaped - this time, you can only go outside because your boss permits you.

You're in the beginning phases of the operation, A.K.A, Scarface's 'life's mission'. Finally, there is no more uncertainty about your purpose in the compound; finally, you know what role you will play in your boss's 'grand plan' that has been shrouded in mystery ever since your arrival.

In fact, your boss now drills it into you so hard, it's the first thought that weasels its way into your mind every morning, and your final epiphany at night.

Your objective? Get into UA. Gain the trust of the heroes. Conduct reconnaissance. And when you've infiltrated their ranks, like a wolf among sheep; when you've infected their hero pedigree with your filthy, blood-stained hands; you will kill them all.

There's just one little problem.

Didn't Monoma - that boy from three years ago - say he was applying for UA as well? And another thing. Didn't you tell Monoma your real name?


That's problematic.

Who would've thought such a miniscule detail, like sharing your real name with a friend, could now jeopardise this entire mission and also cost you your life?

You just really hope you aren't placed in the same class as him. Either way, there's no going back now - preparations have already begun.

Scarface shows just how adept he is in the art of forgery when he fabricates your primary and middle school enrolment documents, falsifies your birth certificate, and assigns a lesser-known subordinate of the gang to play the role of your father. Of course, you're not biologically related, so to account for that, he has orphanage records carefully crafted too.

Then he finds a small rental apartment that's somewhat closer to the school than the compound, because by his words you "can't have this f***ing place as your official address". And, of course, moving into the area right before the entrance exam might raise some questions with the UA administration, so here you are, officially settling in one year prior.

No details are lost on your boss, as you are now also forced to wrap your forearms in bandages to hide any bruises The Undertaker may give you.

Finally, you're ordered to memorise your false identity.

You know your assumed name, of course. But now you need to remember your new birthday, your supposed father's name, age, and occupation, and the name of your primary and middle school.

All the preparation is done. The real mission starts now.

The apartment seems to creak when you step inside. You first notice the odd musk that greets your senses. Then your next few steps reveal the decrepit state of your future living quarters.

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