Chapter 13: Reap

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Trigger Warning/s: mild injury reminiscent of common self-harm methods, blood, cuts, violence, death, a body

Pre-chapter notes: Last chapter, I received (what was for me) an overwhelming amount of support from readers on Quotev. It might have been because I had not updated for this work in a while, so I am very grateful people are still interested in this work. Thank you everybody for your consistent support!

Art: Ahmed Karaman  on Artstation. His art is not just one, but multiple different and unique styles! I liked how charming and picturesque this one was, but you'll find that his other artworks have a cool, different feel to them too.




When Yoarashi calls you a month later, his voice feels far away.

So foreign. So distant.

Completely devoid of his usual, exuberant nature.


You hesitate to respond. "Yes, Yoarashi-san?" Perhaps, you have an inkling on what this is about. "How was your exam?"

"It..." The tall boy is stable. So confident and assured in his own strength. He's your rock - strong enough for the both of you. So when you hear him sound so unsure of himself, you're not too sure what to do. "It was... Chiyo-chan, I don't know. I don't think... UA is the school for me."

"Okay," you murmur, just loud enough for him to hear on the other end of the line. "Why not?"

"I met someone there." You can feel his grimace on the other end of the line; your discernment of tone has notably improved over the past few weeks. "And I don't I can think stand it. Going to UA with someone like that there, I mean."

Yoarashi wouldn't be attending UA with you, then? Your gut churns in anxiety, akin to the dark clouds you had seen in the sky earlier, gathering around to form the beginnings of a storm. The thought of entering a real classroom for the first time, knowing he isn't around to comfort you, gives you gooseflesh; yet you know that at least he'll be safe - far, far away from where you'll need to carry out your mission. Far away from the slaughterhouse UA will become after you're done with it. Too far away to hate you.

"You... met someone?"

"Yeah, I did... I don't mean to confuse you, Chiyo-chan, but it's a bit hard to explain..."

You don't push him. He had never pushed you for information, so you ought to return the favour.

"Then, where will you go?"

"Maybe somewhere in the west, like Shiketsu High... I'm really sorry. It means we won't be attending UA together. Unless maybe you're willing to try out for Shiketsu with me-"

"No," you immediately interject.

His silence on the other end seems hurt.

"I'm sorry," your voice softens. "I can't. It is my father's wish for me to enrol into UA."

Boss would kill me if I deviated from his plan.

"Then... I understand. But let's not let that stop us from training together, okay?"

You deflate in relief. Your friendship would not change even if he chose not to attend with you.

"Okay. I learnt a new move last month. I want to show you."

"Your passion never ceases to amaze me, Chiyo-chan! I'll be over in fifteen minutes."

After all this time, you still don't understand exactly what kind of passion he sees in you.

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