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The year 2024, it's not too far away
A new chapter in our lives, a brand new day
A time for growth, for change and for hope
A chance to overcome, to climb and to cope

As the clock ticks closer, let us start to dream
Of all the possibilities, all that can gleam
For in this year, we can make a difference
We can reach for the stars and break our resistance

Let us leave behind the struggles of the past
And embrace the future with open arms at last
For in 2024, we have a clean slate
To create a better world, to change our fate

It's a time to believe in ourselves once more
To chase our passions and to even the score
To break down barriers and push through the doubt
For in this year, there's no room for backing out

Let us come together, hand in hand
And build a brighter future, one that will stand
With love and compassion, let's pave the way
For a world filled with kindness, every single day

In 2024, let's strive for unity
And celebrate our diversity
For it is our differences that make us strong
A beautiful mosaic, where we all belong

So let us march forward, with heads held high
With determination and a fire in our eye
For the year 2024, is ours to shape
Let's make it a year that we'll proudly take

So here's to 2024, a year of endless possibility
A year of growth, of change, of positivity
Let's make our mark and leave a lasting impression
For in this year, we are destined for progression

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