Stay Alive

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Stay alive, my dear, don't leave me now
For I can't bear to see you go
The thought of losing you, I can't allow
Just stay alive, and let our love grow

The world may be cruel, and life may be tough
But please hold on, don't give up just yet
For I need you here, it's not enough
To just have memories, I can't forget

I know you're tired, and you're in pain
But I'll be here, to hold your hand
Together we'll fight, in this endless game
Just stay alive, and we'll make a stand

The darkness may seem too hard to fight
But I'll be your light, in the darkest night
Just stay alive, and let me be your guide
We'll make it through, side by side

I can't imagine a world without you
So please, don't say goodbye
Just stay alive, and we'll make it through
Together, we'll reach the sky

So hold on, my love, and don't let go
Just stay alive, and we'll make it through
For I need you here, more than you know
So please, my dear, just stay alive, for me and you

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