Chapter 13

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Soo Min pov

The next day, I got up late and had to rush to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and changed my outfit. I grabbed my back and went to school. When I reached the classroom, I didn't see Hee-jin.

I saw the teacher coming so I sat down. I tried to pay attention to the class, but i just couldn't. I had to think about what had happened yesterday. Ugh, I really hope that Chan will not mention anything.

I saw Hee-jin trying to sneak in, but she got caught by the teacher and got detention. I looked at her while she sat down next to me. "What happened? Why are you late?".

She sighed. "I had to work till 3 am this time and got home at 4 am. I'm so tired, " she yawned.

"Oh no, poor you." I really feel bad for her. She's so hardworking. I really admire that. She smiled halfway and fell asleep.

I noted everything the teacher said for us and woke her up when the class ended. "Hee-jin. Wake up. " I gently tapped her shoulder and got up to pack my things. "Hee-jin!" I said a bit louder.

She woke up. "Hmm. "Wake up. It's break time." She woke up and got up. We went to the cafeteria and sat down. I saw Chan but ignored him. I saw Lee coming towards us.

He saw us and smiled. "Hey," and looked at Hee-jin. "What happened to her?". I smiled back. "Hey, the usual. Work." He nodded.

"Will she be able to come today? And don't forget the boys are coming too." Right after he said that, the boys came too and sat next to us.

I nodded and looked at the boys. I didn't say anything and was hoping that Chan won't mention anything about last night. Changbin grinned at me. "Sup girl, why is she halft dead?" And pointed at Hee-jin.

I nodded. "Sup, the usual work." He nodded and ate his breakfast. "So when are we coming over?" He asked Lee.

He shrugged with his shoulder. "Right after school?" Everyone nodded. Lee tried to wake Hee-jin up. "Let her sleep. She came home at 4am. She's tired." I said.

"What?! 4 am. Where the hell does she work so late?" Lee asked. "Did she eat something? It's not healthy to skip food.

I felt a bit addressed and uncomfortable. "Ehm, I don't know," and looked at Hee-jin.

"Yeah, he's right. It's not healthy. We should wake her up." Changbin said

I didn't say anything and quickly got up. "I'll be back." I felt tears coming from my eyes. I quickly went to the bathroom without thinking to take my bag with me. I really didn't want to cry, but I couldn't stop. I hate the way I feel guilty and bad. I want to feel free and confident without thinking about my weight and looks, but I just can't. I hate it so much. I heard someone knocking on the door.

Oh no! I tried to wipe my tears, but I didn't stop. I heard Chan's voice. "Soo Min, please open the door." I shook my head. "Please go away," I said as my voice cracked a little.

"Come on, open the door, please." He gently said. I opened the door and looked at him with teary eyes. He didn't say or asked anything and hugged me. I couldn't hold it anymore and cried harder.

He gently stroked my back. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here. " I calmed down and pushed him a little away from me. I turned my back at him and wiped my tears. "Ugh, I hate that you saw crying like two times already." I whispered, embarrassed

"No need to feel embarrassed, little girl. It's totally normal." He said gently. I turned around and looked at him. "Why are you so gentle and nice suddenly?." "What do you want?".

He shook his head. "I don't want anything. And to be honest, I don't know myself why I'm behaving like this, but I know what you're going through. Because -" he paused and exhaled . "Because I went through it too 3 years ago. I know what you're going through. I know exactly what you're thinking and feeling, but trust me, your health is way more important. I know it's hard, but we can get through this together."

It really touched me what he said, and I felt tears coming back. Oh no, please don't. I closed my eyes to prevent tears from coming. I felt his hand on my wrist. The next thing I knew was that he was hugging me again.

"It's okay. Cry all you want right now. But once we're going back to the others, I don't want to see you ever cry anymore, okay?" He whispered. I nodded. I really needed the hug, and I am thankful that he was here right now.

I exhaled and calmed down. "Thank you.. I actually don't want to admit, but I'm really thankful that you're here right now, " I whispered, embarrassed "but don't think you're special or something like that" I grinned lightly and wipe my tears and looked at myself in the mirror. "Omg.. I look like a panda. "

He chuckled. "Like a cute panda." I wiped my smudged mascara and scoffed. "Shut up. You're actually not allowed here.. it's a ladies' bathroom." He shrugged with his shoulders. "I know, but no one is here right now. Come on. " he took my hand and went to the cafeteria.

"Wait!" I stopped walking. "Do I look okay?" I looked at him worriedly. He looked at me and frowned a little."Something is missing." Oh no.. "What?" I asked and touched my face and fixed my hair. He took both of my hands. "You're smile." He grinned.

Wha-.. I exhaled. "You! Don't scare me like that." He laughed."Sorry, but you look pretty okay. Don't worry. "Asshole," I mumbled."I heard you!" He took my hand again and walked to the others. "Good! As you should."

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