Chapter 11

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Soo Min pov

My mom looked at us and raised an eyebrow. She put down her bag, still looked at us, and then she took off her jacket.

It was so embarrassing. "Mom, I..", I couldn't finish my sentence.

She went to Chan, and Chan bowed and greeted her. " I'm Bangchan. Nice to meet you.", He said a bit nervously.

" So, you're a classmate of Soo Min?", she asked and grinned. Oh no.. I knew her. He nodded.

" Such a handsome boy. Soo Min, you're so lucky to know someone like him.", she was so fascinated by him and I just wanted to leave.

" Do you want something to eat? Oh .. you're eating.", she noticed.

Chan smiled and put some
Ttebokki on a plate for her. " Actually, I cooked for Soo Min. You should also take a bite.", He suggested.

I looked to Chan and was so angry. He just smiled.

My mom took a bite and she was so happy. " You can simply cook better than Soo Min. You have to come to us more often. You are invited. Just eat here in the kitchen, I have to leave quickly. Do not feel disturbed. Wow, and even
Soo Min ate something.", and with these words, she left the kitchen.

My mother loved it to put me in such situations. I exhaled and looked on the floor.

"Your mother seems to like me a lot, doesn't she? Everyone loves me.", he said and ate.

It was so embarrassing for me that I couldn't look into his face. I looked on the plate and noticed I ate so much. Why did I eat so much?

I felt myself slowly getting sick. I had to throw up. Otherwise, I would stay fat.

I hated this trait about myself so much. I felt how my tears were running down. Chan noticed it immediately and came towards me.

" Are you alright? What's wrong?", he asked me and lifted my chin towards him.

I pushed him away and went to the bathroom to throw up. Before that, I closed the door so no one could come in and turned on the tap.

" Soo Min..", I heard. Chan knocked on the door and tried to open it, but I ignored him and tried to throw up, but I couldn't. I hated this so much. I cried a lot.

" Okay, you give me no other choice.", I could hear him.

After counting to 3, he managed to open the door by breaking it down. My mother would kill him.

" Soo Min... I ..", he looked so helpless. Suddenly, he hugged me. No, this can't be real. Maybe I really wanted the hug. I needed it, but my life wasn't a movie. I pushed him away. "Please, just leave and forget everything that happened today, please!"

He sighed and looked at me for the last time and went home. I felt so bad that I ate so much today . I really hate myself for that. I went to the kitchen and threw the food away. I was feeling so bad and mad at myself that I felt like crying again, and the worst part was that chan witnessed everything.

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