Chapter 1

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Soo Min pov

,, Get Up, soo Min!“, I heard from my mother. I really had to get up but I was not in the mood to go to the school. I did not even know the students there. How I should make friends? My brother always tried to cheer Me up and said something like:“ You‘re going to make some friends, and get good grades. Just believe in you.“ I knew that he Just wanted to help me but to be honest it was not very helpful.. I already missed my friends in London.. Some of them I knew since 1st grade. It would be hard to go to a new school without my best friends.

My mom knocked at my door before she came in and looked at me. To be honest, she did not look very happy. „“It‘s your first day! You‘re still in your bed. You‘ll be late!“, she yelled at me. I Just  twisted my eyes, stood up, and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I knew that she was right but I Didn’t want to move to Korea. I barely knew Korean although my parents always talked in Korean. Everybody at my new school would know that I didnt raise up in Korea.. They gonna laugh at me.

After I washed my teeth, face, did my hair and put some clothes on , my brother offered me to bring me to school. I really appreciate it and said yes.
He drove me to the school and the whole car ride he always said something like: „“Hey, don‘t be upset. Mom and dad Just wanted a better life for us, for you. Dad has a new job here in Korea and you know that he earns more money now. Hes doing it just for us.“, he reminded me.

I just listend to my brother and did not say anything. I actually did not care about the money, I just wanted my old life back. Now I noticed that I arrived. I thanked my brother, got out of his car , took my bag and went inside.

Wow.. this school looked so big. Would I find my classroom? While I tried to find my new classroom, I looked at the students. Each one of them looked so Beautiful, handsome. I did not fit in this school. A teacher approached me and asked if I need any help.

I was so grateful that she spoke to me. Probably I looked a bit lost. I told her my name and that I am a new student. Thank god, she knew me. She was so nice and showed me the new classroom.

I went in and everybody looked at me. It was a bit embarassing for me.. ,, Hello guys. This is Lee Soo Min, she is your new student. Be nice to her“, the teacher said to the class. The teacher looked at me and told me to sit down next to a girl. She looked nice. I hope that she was not pissed off of my presence. I thanked her and sat down next to the girl.


Author's note
This is our first chapter hope you all like it.
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