13. Hurt and Tears

Start from the beginning

   I just nodded, hugging Fukase, hinting that I wanted him to stay with me. Piko and Defoko got up from the bed we were sitting on, Defo, with magical strength considering her height and weight, lifted Nana from the floor and dragged her away, and Piko took the mattress, later returning for pillows. Wishing us a good night, they left. I sat between Fukase's legs and leaned back against him again, continuing to hold the tea cup with trembling hands. Fukase slightly covered me with a blanket and hugged me again with both arms.

 Fukase slightly covered me with a blanket and hugged me again with both arms

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   – Everything will be alright. When you're ready, I'll go with you to your home and protect you, okay? Don't be afraid, everything will be okay... – he wrapped his arms around my chest and pressed his face against my shoulder, causing my heart to beat faster... a strange, yet warm feeling that calmed me.

   I drank a little more tea and placed the cup on the bedside table, then took out James from my bag and, hugging him tightly, lay down again between Fukase's legs, resting my head on his chest... Fukase also embraced me, continuing to sit in the same position as before.

   It became quiet... only my sobs broke this silence. I couldn't fully calm down, it was too painful and scary... And again, Fukase softly, almost whispering, began to sing his song:

   – "When the thread of a dream threatens to break, All you need is kindness, From that which we make. Pulled from the tearing stream, Our hearts held firm, Friends who are so priceless, Together we learn. When lonely threads are breaking, When chiming stars are crying, I'll hold you up above, To shine the way you love"    ("The Stars We Share" by AegisSan-P)

   He continued to sing, calming me with his delightful, gentle, and melodious voice... and he succeeded. By the end of the song, I had finally stopped crying and managed to fall asleep, still feeling his warm hands on me... it felt good as long as he was there, with him I felt safe. How glad I am to have such a wonderful friend... so beautiful and sweet, even though I had to pull him out of his past, unpleasant and cold attire.


   – It's alright, don't worry... – the red-haired guy said, gently pushing me onto the ice at a small arena... it was a small outdoor rink with free skates.

   There were cameras around, so it would be easy to catch a thief if one appeared, and in this town, everyone was generally well-behaved and didn't steal, except for a few individuals, so it was possible to skate for free. Fukase and I managed to find our sizes, but I was very scared because I had never skated before, while Fukase seemed confident, as if he skated here often, though he claimed he didn't. There were also a couple of other people on the rink who skated quite well, making me feel awkward.

   Fukase had suggested going to this rink when I decided to return home... He said, "First, gather your thoughts a bit!" so here we were.

   – Here, take my hand... – he said, skating ahead of me, but at a slight distance, and extending his hand.

Cold Shards and Warm Stars (OliKase-FukaOli)Where stories live. Discover now