Announcement / PSA Before Reading

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Hey Guys,

As we begin the year 2024, I want to assure you that I am fully committed to completing all the stories that I have planned for you. I understand that you have been eagerly anticipating these stories, and I appreciate your patience and support. I am confident that I can finish and upload all the stories by the end of this year. I will work tirelessly to ensure that each story is well-crafted and meets your expectations. Thank you for placing your trust in me, and I look forward to sharing these stories with you.

- Katy


P.S. - If you happen to know someone who possesses the talent to create exceptional cover art for this story and numerous other stories that I'm eager to share, kindly send me a DPM (Direct Private Message) with your friend's Account name or username, or you could give them my account name/username ROTBTDF.     Thank you/

P.P.S. - PSA: For optimal viewing experience, I highly recommend checking out this story (or any story I share on this app/Website) on your smartphone (be it Apple, Samsung, OPPO, or any handheld device) or tablet. Why? Well, it magically enhances the size of the paragraphs, making them more readable, while also shrinking down any videos or photos. Trust me, it's a game-changer!


Attention to all new readers, new followers, and existing followers of this story: Any disrespectful, snarky, or inappropriate comments towards my writing or main character will result in immediate deletion of the comments and blocking of your username. Consider yourself warned!!!

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