Chapter 8 - 10th Birthday (5th June) pt. 1

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3rd Person        (5 Month Time Skip)


Bold = Beast Speak

(Allie's Outfit + Birthday Presents (No Bandit and Akela aren't Birthday Presents

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(Allie's Outfit + Birthday Presents (No Bandit and Akela aren't Birthday Presents. I just added them for the fun of it))


Over the last five months, Akela has established a nightly routine that involves spending each night in the comforting embrace of his companion's bed. He gracefully departs in the morning, just as the first rays of sunlight peek through the curtains, ensuring that he doesn't disturb her peaceful awakening, or departing after she wakes up. Sometimes, he even leaves before Cora, Allie's caring nanny -- or sorts --, arrives to prepare her for the day ahead, whether it be for studying or enjoying a delightful breakfast with her loving adopted parents. However, Akela always manages to return to Allie's side just in time for her bedtime, ensuring that she drifts off to sleep with a sense of security and warmth of Akela's warm black fur.

This morning, as the sun began to cast its warm glow across the room, Allie's eyes fluttered open, signalling the start of her special day. However, before fully embracing the joyous occasion, she was abruptly jolted from her peaceful slumber by a sudden weight landing on her chest. Startled, her heart raced as she tried to make sense of the unexpected intrusion.

Allie was suddenly jolted awake as she felt a weight fall into her lap. Looking down, she saw her Niffler, Bandit staring up at her with an innocent expression, as if he hadn't just rudely interrupted her sleep. Despite feeling a bit annoyed, Allie couldn't help but smile at her furry companion's antics. She gently petted his head and settled back into bed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anytime soon. Allie sank into the plush pillows, arranging them to support her back as she settled in. With a contented sigh, she reclined further into the softness, feeling the comforting embrace of the cushions. Resting her pet Niffler, Bandit, gently on her lap, she positioned herself in a way that allowed her to relax fully, her legs propped up.

"Bandit! Did you have to wake me up like that?" With a mischievous glint in her eye, Allie playfully tickled Bandit's belly, causing him to let out a series of high-pitched squeaks and squirms. "Oh, what's the matter, Bandit? Can't handle a little tickle?" she teased, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Despite his protests, Bandit couldn't help but thoroughly enjoy the attention of his playful Human companion.

"Payback." Bandit declared. 

"I said I was sorry, Didn't I," Allie gently caressed her finger along the length of Bandit's back, her touch as light as a feather. "And I did tell you that it was because of a Nightmare, and most of the time it's Akela that wakes you up."

"Yeah, The Dumb Wolf." Bandit, a furry and mischievous Niffler, let out a disgruntled sigh as he recalled the memory of his human companion's Wolf Familiar, Akela. It was five months ago when Akela had scared him awake by hovering right above his face. Bandit's heart raced with fear as he saw Akela, a powerful predator, lurking nearby, ready to snatch him up in his jaws. However, in the nick of time, Allie stirred awake, and Bandit breathed a huge sigh of relief. The tension that had gripped his heart began to ease as he watched Allie slowly open her eyes. Her gaze met his with a mix of confusion and gratitude, and Bandit felt a deep sense of comfort knowing that his human companion was there to protect him.

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