Prologue - 10 Years Ago

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3rd Person

Author Notes: Welcome! For now, I've chosen to share only the Prologue with you. So, why not take a moment to unwind, find a cozy spot, and delve into this captivating Chapter? Rest assured, I'll be diligently working on the rest of the story, ensuring it's polished and ready to be uploaded. Stay tuned for more!

 Stay tuned for more!

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On a chilly autumn evening in 1981, during the Halloween festivities, James and Lily Potter-Snape-Prince found themselves unwinding in their warm and inviting cottage. They were relishing in the precious moments spent with their delightful one-year-old daughter, Hazel Eileen Lily Snape-Potter, and their beloved goddaughter, Alyssienna Symphonia Rowena Narissa "Allie" Malfoy, who was also one year old. While Allie's parents, Lucius and Narissa, were enjoying a vacation in the enchanting city of Paris, France, Allie's twin brother was being cared for by his godfather, Severus Snape, a highly esteemed Potions Professor at the renowned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At that very moment, Snape was diligently engrossed in his work, meticulously preparing a vital stock of potions for the upcoming semester, which meant he couldn't single-handedly attend to and supervise both children.

Allie has been embraced into the Potter clan as an additional daughter, considering James and Lily's inability to have children. Once they finished their studies at Hogwarts, the Marauders offered their apologies to Severus, except for one who didn't. Moreover, Lily pardoned Severus for his hurtful insult of calling her a Mudblood, after Lucius shed light on its significance.

Lily, James, and Severus embarked on a unique and loving journey as they embraced a polyamorous relationship.

James and Lily find themselves at a crossroads, faced with a difficult decision. On one hand, they long to spend quality time with their beloved Goddaughter, cherishing every moment together. On the other hand, they feel the weight of responsibility to keep a watchful eye on the Malfoy Twins. The Malfoy family, notorious for their disdain towards those who deviate from the concept of blood purity, poses a constant threat. They look down upon individuals who choose to marry outside of Pureblood families, create half-bloods, or even marry Muggles. Their obsession lies in ensuring that Muggle-born witches and wizards conform to the customs and traditions of the magical community. Unfortunately, this narrow-mindedness has earned them the label of "blood traitors" by some. 

Adding to the complexity of the situation, certain rituals, practices, and classes within the magical community have been deemed as "dark arts" and strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic. The headmaster of Hogwarts has even eliminated certain classes, either due to budget constraints or to promote inclusivity for Muggle-born students. Interestingly, it has been discovered that individuals classified as Muggle-born in the wizarding world are descendants of magical bloodlines that had sadly died out over time. This unfortunate outcome was a result of prolonged inbreeding, leading to the birth of Squibs over multiple generations. In this intricate web of choices and circumstances, James and Lily must navigate their way, weighing the importance of family, tradition, and the greater good. It is a delicate balance, one that requires careful consideration and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving magical world they inhabit.

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