Chapter 5 - Studying the Wizarding World

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3rd Person

(Allie's Outfit--For Now)

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(Allie's Outfit--For Now)

Dream/Flashback -

Allie, sat watching through some sort of bars as two men stood before her. A scaled head, with piercing yellow-slitted eyes, popped up over the side of the crib. Allie watched as the long snake wrapped itself around herself and the other child sitting next to her.

"We love you, Girls. Remember that. Allie, your parents love you and your brother"

"Your Dads and I love you, Hazel"

"Enough, Albus."

"My intentions...with her Granddaughter are, unnecessary at this time, and not for your knowledge"

"The Wizarding World doesn't need to know that"


Allie found herself engulfed in a symphony of screams, yells, and cries that bombarded her senses. The agony of the procedures, with blocks, charms, potions, and trackers being applied to her delicate frame, resonated within her. The frigid atmosphere seemed to penetrate her very bones. Amid the pandemonium, she glimpsed fleeting flashes of green, yet her thoughts remained imprisoned, manipulated like a marionette, unable to escape the confines of the transparent barriers that enclosed her true self.

"They are the worst muggles imaginable."

"They are the only family she has...Good Luck...Heather Potter."


While Allie was peacefully slumbering in the grand King-size bed, Cora quietly tiptoed into her room. With utmost care, she arranged a tray adorned with two vials on the nearby tables. In the adjacent bathroom, she meticulously prepared a lavish bath, complete with a delightful pumpkin spice candle and the refreshing aroma of Lemon and Rose. Not stopping there, Cora also placed a stunning new ensemble, fit for a princess, on the bed. It was a gesture of love and thoughtfulness, ensuring that Allie would wake up to a truly enchanting morning.

As Cora stepped into the room, a bag in her hand, Allie started to stir from her deep sleep. Gradually waking up, she observed Cora meticulously going through the bag, taking out a handful of books and arranging them neatly on the coffee table beside the tray of delicious food. After arranging the final book, Cora looked up and made eye contact with Allie, acknowledging her presence. "Good Afternoon, Princess. Did you have a nice rest?"

"Yes, I did, Thank you," Allie spoke sitting up in the bed, letting the duvet covers pool on her lap. "Still not used to being called Princess."

Cora laughed walking towards where she placed the vials on the bedside table with the Goblet of Pumpkin Juice. "No worries, You'll get used to it. Now remember what Healer Weatherbee said about the potions, to have them before breakfast."

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