Too Many Problems

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"He did what to my baby!"

[Cerberus confirmed.]

"I could have lost my grandbaby."

"Dad, I could have literally died. And this pregnancy, is ill thought out."

"Says the one who soulbonded with your boo." He shakes his head disappointedly.

"How are you?" Father asks.

"Honestly, I am fine. Just shaken. The baby died for a whole minute and came back when Reaper touched them." I say.

Geno looks at my dad with a worried look.

"Reaper? Death?" He asks worriedly. "Call a doctor, love."

My dad nods and runs out of my room

Geno rushes to my side and pulls me into a hug.

It feels strange. My glitching ceases. A comfort I oddly like.

It has been a while since I have been hugged by anyone but Cross.

"It is still strange to see you as my father."

"I can see that. I never thought I would have a mini me either. The thing doesn't even come close." He says.

The doctor rushes in and comes close.

"I am here to check on the baby." The small doctor says.

She climbs up onto the bed.

"Everything seems to be fine with both you and the fetus." She says climbing down the bed.

"Is there anything I can do about it?" I ask.

"You mean the same thing your dad did for you guys?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, please. Give it to me."

The doctor frowns.

"You are too early in the pregnancy."


"I suggest relaxation and recuperation. The healthier you are the faster the baby will develop. That means don't spend too much magic, calm and warm loving energy for about a month and you should be ready for the procedure." The doctor says.

"We don't have time for that." Cross says.

"Do you want to terminate the pregnancy then?" The doctor says, shutting Cross up.

Cross then turns to me.

"No, I don't want to." I state.

"Well then rest up. You have a month. Check on the state of affairs of things from afar. Relax."

That is how I ended up back in Scrytonia.


I still am surprised that I am a father. To triplets no less.

Hearing Error. No, CE say that it is weird I would agree knowing our history with one another and that horrible child we had together. I can't bring myself nothing but cowardice when I have to admit such to myself.

How could I hope to be a true father with the years of history me and Error have?

Years of only knowing them to be a monster who destroys for fun. Had I known sooner perhaps none of this catastrophe would have happened.

We would have never fought, Error would have never became the destroyer had I actually been told I was a father.

But how is Error older than me? Is it because of being in the save screen for so long it stunted my aging?

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