Broken Dreams

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[Hello, The Author is here. Guess what, I love boobs. ┬┴┬┴┤・ω・)ノ]

I used to have good dreams until I saw filth play in my dreams.

I could no longer sleep. Not after watching death play out. Seeing them live without purpose and dream peacefully while I had to sit and witness them die pointlessly.

I grew jealous they had a chance to live.

I couldn't understand the language. My mind a clutterfunk of poprocks. Taking in information like it was precious jewels. Getting high like it were candy.

"Effie what have you done?"

Me and Effie- Euphemia- in the first reset have once been very close. In fact very close. I helped her through the underground that first time. She was my first love.

Maybe that is why I couldn't forget her.

I once heard someone say heartbreak ends the same until you find your person.

I loved every time only to have someone betray me. Betray my soul. Hurt me to the point where I wish I could start over and see from the beginning what not to do.

My heartbreak always ended in bloody betrayal.

Effie isn't your normal ex-girlfriend.

She is the kind that kills your family and friends.

Each time I forgave her she grew bored and would pick us off one by one.

Each time they came for her, I stopped them because I wanted to let her have a second chance because I believed in her goodness, her ability to choose good.

We could have seen it through. I learned from there to stay away keep a distance pretend I didn't remember.

She grew jealous as I was married off to Escara and Easuru. But she ruined her chance in the eyes of my dad.

The final time they let me run saved me first. For the first time I came face to face with Effie.

"I cannot let you just leave here."

The corridor was silent that day.

"I can't let you leave here either. I am so happy that you are the last monster I get to see."

Battle commences

Winner ???

No one won.

How strange.

Surely one triumphed.

Not a single soul left on the battle field.

When I saw her reach to reset after she realized in the end once again that she couldn't kill me she fatally cut herself. Then just as she was about to reset and restart everything I pulled mine out.

CE. That button on a calculator that clears everything. It doesn't change the fact that it exists but it does do its job well.

A rather end all to a means, delete the entire save and restore to its original hardware. My special power.

I have forgotten the extent. The extent of its destruction and the extent of its restoration. Still I have only used the power once because it is unstable.

I would watch Cross in the past and study his movements. It was almost as interesting as Undernovela, but I will never tell him that.

Sitting there listening to my flaws and getting to know the part I played he empathized with me and showed me his soul in return.

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