Hime: Hide and Seek (Grow Up)

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<Picture above is not mine, enjoy today's chapter.>

Today is like all other days, only my dad is going on a date with my father.

Leaving me in charge.

Adulting is hard. Can't I just go back to being a kid?

"The army is in your control Junior Lord CE." EP tells me. "Say the words and we will head out."

"It seems we cannot hold back now can we?" I say sipping my water.

"Please come back father, this isn't punishment this is torture." I mutter.

"Why can't EG be Emperor? He is the eldest." I ask the short salamander monster standing next to me.

"You were the biggest at birth so the crown naturally went to the strongest." He says.

Yet I am the smallest now. My children will be half pints.

"Your elder brother is also a school teacher, he cannot be an Emperor. Believe it or not your father ruled when he was around your age and size too. He was a ball of teenage rebellion and annoyance to everyone. His childishness was silenced after taking the throne for a few months."

I flinch.

"You have to grow up soon m'lady. You have to produce children and take care of the throne as well as stopping this war."

My processing felt slowed.

"Grow up?" I ask to myself.

What is that in the meaning of being alive, can that even be possible?

I shrug it off and look to the new tall cloaked person approaching the throne.

"It appears I missed your coronation back into the royal family."

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Royal advisor. I will return when your father does." The figure bows and stalks away following the shadows of the room.

[New Friends?]

I close my eyes and listen to the room.

Trade deals, commerce, wartime aid to areas attacked, medical service to the sickly.

I inhale and hold my breath the noises stop and then I hear it.

"You wish to beat me? Good luck with that kid, perhaps you can with more training."

"I can't now?" Younger me asks.

"No, your weak. Too weak, you would die even if I am going easy on you."

"That's not fair." I respond.

"Life's not fair. And if you wish to truely be a god you need to train harder. You will get thrown out as soon as they see you. Small and puny. Go do something with yourself."

I grimace at the memory. Fun times.

I focus again on it and really extend my thoughts on how he moves.

Each attack I know him to use I list out all I remember from his being in my life for 3 eons where he sparred with me as training.

What do I do?

Every time I was beat down and how I gotten to that in the first place.

"Teacher has never taught me how to beat him. A master will never teach his student his best tricks for fear he will become too powerful." I mutter.

"Your majesty!" The salamander bleps my cheekbone with their tongue. "A guest is here, description of white bones bright yellow clothing and a golden band around his forehead."

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