Short Reunion

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We went through the overpass and saw Jack, Charlotte and the clients.

"Charlotte! Jack!" I jumped down and slid off the wall and landed in front of them.

"Astro? Where the hell were you?" Charlotte said.

"Apologies for taking him away." 

Apolo came down the same way while Banshee flew down with him.

"Apolo?" Charlotte said.

"The one and only. Anyways we have no time for reintroductions."

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"The monster is nearby. I suggest you guys keep going when you see vines. Me and Astro will hold them off."

"Woah woah. What's happening?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when we get back to Cavandale. For now, we keep moving."

We introduced Apollo to Jack and the client. We went through the mountain finally starting to reach the end.

We were stopped by a large ice wall.

"No doubt the monster did this." Apollo said.

"What kind of monster shoots ice and ones of these sizes?" Charlotte asks.

"A Flower Monster." Apollo replied.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Its real name is the White Flower. A large flower with a curse giving it life and for some reason they can control elements." Apollo said.

"When you said they were a flower I didn't think it was very scary. Now I'm scared of it." Banshee said.

"White Flowers can't create ice as big as this." Charlotte said.

"Correct but this one is much stronger than your average White Flower."

Jack got up and walked up to the ice wall.

"Fire Fist!" He yelled punching the wall with fire completely pulverizing it.

"I think I can handle the Flower!" He said proudly.

"If that's the best you can do. You'll stay with the clients." Charlotte said.


We went deeper into the mountain. Vines began to appear as we got closer to where the monster was.

The wind began to pick up as we found a fork in the road.

"Charlotte, Me and Astro will defeat this monster while Jack and the others stay behind."

"Hey! What about me?" Banshee cried.

"You can come too. Just stay away from the monster." Apolo said.

Jack got upset but stayed behind.

We took the right path where the vines came from. Charlotte grabbed a large heavy sword like Andre's from under her coat.

"Be careful Astro. This may be weaker than that thing you fought in that Stronghold. Doesn't mean you should let your guard down." Apolo said.

I nodded.

We made it into a large crater with vines everywhere. Marks were on the ground and on the walls. A large flower monster was sleeping in the middle.

"These markings belong to a Demi God I believe. To which Demi God I have no clue." Apolo said while pulling out a small sword.

"What if it wasn't a Demi God but a True God?" Banshee asked.

"Perhaps. Could it be a God from God home?" Apolo questioned.

"Godhome?" I asked but before Apolo could answer the Flower monster reawakened and it roared and smacked its head into the ground and ice spikes shot at us.

"Wah!" Banshee cried while flying away.

"Don't worry." Apolo said while sticking his hands on the ground and a wall made of rocks formed in front of us blocking the attack.

Charlotte jumped over the rock formation and slashed the flower from the air hitting its head.

The flower opened it's petals and cold air came hurrying towards us. It hit Charlotte and broke through Apolo's wall so we jumped back to move out of the way.

Charlotte stood there looking unfazed but was injured. She slashed at the roots but they seemed to be too thick. The flower tried to smash down into the ground to hit her but she backed away.

I gathered wind energy into my blade and rushed the flower and slashed it with my wind blade attack.

Somehow it cut through half of the roots but wasn't enough. A vine came out of the ground and smacked me in the face. It didn't hurt that bad but it was cold.

"Nice job!" Apolo yelled.

"I'll hold off the vines." Charlotte said while slashing at some.

"We'll only be able to kill it if we work together." We heard roots being dug into the ground.

"Damnit it's regenerating!" Apolo yelled.

Charlotte slashed at more of the vines but it started keeping up with her and began hitting her through her blindspots. Her wounds began to show her getting weaker.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Jack yelled while slashing all of the vines with fire.

"Jack?" Charlotte immediately grabbed him and pulled him away but she noticed something. I looked over to the flower and it was charging a beam of some sorts. Charlotte braced for impact protecting Jack. I rushed towards them using wind to push me at full speed and the beam fired. I pushed them out of the way and the beam hit me.

It went dark.

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