The Adventurers Guild and the Crimson Lions

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We were walking through the plaza when a woman called out to us. She had brown hair and was well dressed. She next to a tent with a table just outside. There was a sign next to the table and was poorly made. It read Adventurers Guild and off to the side in small ink read come join the crimson lions. 

"Excuse me." The lady said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"You seem like an Adventurer. Interested in finding a job here?"

This must have been the Guild Gale told us about.

"Sure! Whatcha got?"

She pulled out a board with three pieces of paper on it.

"We have three jobs. Hunting down a relic in a dungeon, being bodyguards for a caravan though it is already taken by the crimson lions-"

I cut her off.

"We'll take that one. Where do we find them?" I asked.

"I believe they are at the Cavandale Bar. They are getting ready to meet up with the caravan."

"Thanks." I said. 

We went off to the bar but were stopped by Lucy.

"Hey! Long time no see!"

"Hiii!" Banshee called.

"Grace told me to deliver you this."

She handed me a blade wrapped in a brown cloth.

"Grace had it made after the awesome deed you pulled off with Nocus!"

"Well tell her I said thanks." I unwrapped the sword. It was silver and light. 

"It's made with Cavandale's finest steel. I hope it serves you well! Anyways I have to go now. Slime monsters are ruining a small towns crops byee!" And she was off.

I put the sword away and we walked into the bar. It was dead. There were two people sitting by the bartender. A man sat in the corner reading a book. A young boy and a much older lady. I wonder how the boy is allowed in her. I saw that the boy wore a robe that had a lion on it.

"Ughh, how are we supposed to do this job with only two peopleeeee." The boy said.

"You are the one who refuses to ask around for people to join you." The lady said.

"It's too much work. No action."

I stepped closer.

"Excuse me? Are you the Crimson Lions?" I asked.

The boy perked up and jumped on the stool with a heroic pose.

"Who's askin?"

"I heard you were trying to do the job that involves going to Dragonborn Mountain. I'd like to come with."

The boy let out an exaggerated gasp. "You want to join the Crimson Lions? Awesome!"

"Nono. I just wanted to help out with the job."

The boy dropped down back onto the seat and faceplanted on the table.

"Ugh, what's wrong with the group? Why doesn't anyone join?"

"Sorry about him. He's been down in the dumps since he fears that only having two members isn't enough for this quote life threatening mission." The woman said.

"The names Charlotte. The boy is Jack."

"I'm Astro. This is Banshee." I said as Banshee waved.

"I know you.. You're the one who helped calm Nocus."

"How'd you know?"

"I work as one of the 3 Captains of the Knights of Cavandale. Special Forces Brigade."

"What's that?" Banshee asked.

"When there is an abnormally tough threat. We get called to deal with it. Like if Nocus still was rampaging."

"Wow so you must be strong!" Banshee replied.

"Indeed. Due to not needing to Brigade currently. I am helping a friend of mines son kick off his Adventuring dreams."

"Father was an amazing adventurer I'll be just like him!" Jack said.

"Well, I'd like to come also. No payment required." I said.

"What?!" Banshee cried. "No way! Think of all the food we could buy!" 

"Why no payment?" Charlotte asked.

"I believe the mountain might hold a secret of where my sister might have gone."

"She went missing?" She asked.

I nodded. "Please let us come. I won't hold you guys back!"

"Well, we do need more manpower. Sure. You may come with us."

"Alright! Lets get moving!" The boy jumped off of his seat and dashed out of the bar.

"Now he feels like it's safe when two other people join?" She said while getting up and leaving.

I look over to see the man in the corner was completely gone.


"What's wrong?" Banshee asked.


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