Our Purple Hero

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5:04 pm:

Alright, I'm back. So from what I've heard from the soldier again they found Molly and Mavis at Vicarstown laughing hysterically on the verge of breaking down, but as soon as they saw them they screamed loudly and charged at them, but they were quicker, in an instant Molly and Mavis were gunned down by the military, poor engines... Then further on at Crovans Gate they found D261 on the mainline with a massive grin on his face, then giant green glowing bubbles sprouted on his face, they took that as a bad sign and immediately shot him in the forehead. God what is happening...

5:45 pm:

MY GOD THAT WAS INSANE, we were still at Knapford waiting and thinking of what to do next when an all too familiar whistle boomed in the distance, IT WAS ARTHUR. He came barreling around the bend straight at us, Thomas was right in front of him, I yelled at him to move but he didn't listen, he yelled saying he was tired of running and wanted to fight back against the thing that killed most of his friends. I was speechless but before I could say anymore the pack and Bertie appeared and tried to stop Arthur but the beast was easily able to knock over Monty and send Kelly into a shed damaging him severely. Thomas then decided it wasn't a good idea to fight an tried to back up but the beast lunged a tentacle at Thomas, missing his face by inches and puncturing his tanks causing a leak.

Suddenly without warning, Charlie came into view with a van and 3 fuel tankers, the purple tank engine was screaming and crying, "THIS IS FOR MY BROTHER BILLY!!!". It was then I realized what he was gonna do, HE WAS GONNA SUICIDE BOMB ARTHUR. We all yelled for him not to, but he paid us no mind. Arthur seeing this immediately raced backwards away from him but Charlie was much faster, soon we heard a massive explosion boom near Henrys tunnel, I ran over there only to see the smoldering remains of the NWR's #14 and LMS Maroon tank engines. May they both rest peacefully, Charlie will forever be known as the saviour of Sodor.

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