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4:16 pm:

A few seconds later Sir Handel in a shakey voice said, "We saw Arthur... My god he is not the same anymore. If you feel the need to fight against that thing, in the shed behind us is a lot of equipment and maybe some firearms so help yourself, we all have radios in our cabs so if anything happens we'll radio you. God I hope Rusty's ok."

We thanked him and me, Bob and Phil headed into the shed to grab what was needed, while Ted, Charlie and Sidney, Edwards driver and fireman stayed behind to tend to Edward, Thomas and James.

5:23 pm:

So, we intended on Thomas having metal plates on his front, back and sides like Toby as protection, but ultimately decieded not since it wouldn't be fair for the other two since there was enough for one engine, so Thomas would have some equipment placed in his cab. Edward carried trucks of supplies like guns, knives, and other important things. And James had a barrier on his front so he could ram into anything on the line and not get hurt. We also found a breakdown crane, a flatbed, an express coach, two tankers of fuel and water, and a box van of fresh food. With everything set we were ready to journey out, the little engines wished us luck and we were off.

5:30 pm:

Edward soon suggested we head back to his station, turn around onto the line that led to the Orchard to see if anyone needed assistance. We hesitated because you see the line Arthur was turned down onto also led past the apple orchard and kept on going to Suddery, Lower Suudery and eventually Brendam Docks, I also realized a certain green friend of ours would be in possible danger but I didn't want to tell Edward that as I feared it would not sit well with him. After a bit of hesitation we all agreed and headed down the line. Once we made it to the apple orchard the sight of a giant, brown shed came into view and sitting in the shed was an all to familiar traction engine and a man wearing an old hat, it was Trevor and Jem Cole!

 Once we made it to the apple orchard the sight of a giant, brown shed came into view and sitting in the shed was an all to familiar traction engine and a man wearing an old hat, it was Trevor and Jem Cole!

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