The Shattered Yellow

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8:45 pm:

We decided to stay at Tidmouth for the time being and to keep an eye on Dennis, he's never acted this way before and it's honestly freaking me out right now.

(August 16th)

4:13 am:

I awoke the next morning on James' cab floor hearing loud arguing outside. I stepped down and headed out to the front to see Thomas, Edward, and James shouting at each other, I then looked over to the birth Dennis was in to see him gone. "What the hell? Where did Dennis go? " I said out loud.

Soon the engines crews told their engines to be quiet, the engines listened and soon Ted told me they were trying to figure out just that, that damn diesel shouldn't have gone off without our consent, if not at all.

4:26 am:

We decided it best to remain in the sheds to think of what to do next when Thomas suggested that he, Bob and Ted head down the line to Tidmouth station to check if anyone is around, along with Ffarqhuar sheds, hopefully Percy and Toby are alright, I can only hope.

5:32 am:

Ok, now I'm really getting scared, Thomas has been gone for well over an hour and trying to contact his crew via my phone has proven pointless. Edward and James are keen on searching for the little blue guy but I'm more hesitatant, do we really wanna leave the sheds? Aka the place that has kept us safe all this time? Well Edward was very successful in convincing me to head with them as I soon found myself in James can with them searching along the line. Damnit Thomas, I pray you are alive and well...

6:05 am:

So much has happened in the last hour I can hardly write good god. So here's what happened for who ever wants to know.

So basically Thomas headed down to Tidmouth station to search for anyone who could still be in the area, he was hoping to find Percy and Toby as they are usually always at Ffarqhuar sheds, well after what has been happening recently I wouldn't be surprised if they ran off to safety.

And when he searched but found nothing he decided to head on further past the logging mill and up to Elbridge to search the sheds near the station, when he noticed something. It was Molly! But something was wrong with her, upon closer inspection Thomas soon realized what is was. Molly was infected...

Thomas thought it was best to not go anywhere near the engine for fear she would spot him and considering what happened to Arthur, Thomas didn't want to find out what Molly was capable of. So he headed back and this is where we are at right now, but I guess Thomas wasn't quiet enough when getting away from the yellow engine.

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