1. Wedding arrangements

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, sister," I forced a strained smile before shutting the bathroom door. Alone, at last, i breathed out.

'I don't need God or his son,' i thought bitterly to myself. Being a believer and a soldier for Him wasn't something I'd do again. When I needed Him the most, He never showed himself. He made me suffer when I was the most innocent.

They said he loved us but I didn't see that in my years of serving, worshipping and praising him. When my faith was wavering, I tried staying strong but he never came to my rescue as Father Mark, my father in the lord always preached about.

If he really loved me as he said, I wouldn't have had to go through all he allowed me go through. What kind of a father lets their children suffer?

As I grew older I realized it was better living in the world and doing things that are.... Sin, that's what his words, the Bible, calls it.

I began finding solace and pleasure in things my stepmom and Reverend father told me not to find peace in. I lived for and in the world, and I came to the conclusion that it's better to sin and face the consequences than to worship every day, living a humbled life and suffering. That isn't fair. I sighed, my heart heavy with unresolved conflict and buried sorrows.

The bitterness swirled within me, as I grappled with my feelings of abandonment.

As i finished my bath, the warm water still clinging to my skin, i quickly dried my body and slipped into an oversized shirt and padded over to my bed.

There, resting on my nightstand, i found a small piece of paper with a familiar bible quote, scrawled upon it. "Astra" I mumbled as I picked it up.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. —Hebrews 11:6

With a heavy sigh, i crumpled the note and crawled under the protective covers of my bed.

My mind was consumed by the looming horror of my impending marriage to a man twice my age, orchestrated by my own father. One of the reason I lost believe in God, because if he did love me as he claims then Why? 'Why did he give me such a vile man as a father?' I mused aloud, the pain evident in my voice. "Why did he take my mother away from me?"

Tears welled in my eyes as i wrestled with the memories of my tumultuous childhood, grappling with a world that had been so cruel to me.

"Whatever relationship I shared with the sky king was over," i whispered bitterly. I am going to keep fighting the world, alone, just the way I've been doing for years.

I buried my face in the pillow, my sobs filling the room, the sound muffled but piercing. I allowed myself to slip into the dark embrace of sleep, seeking solace in its temporary reprieve.

 I allowed myself to slip into the dark embrace of sleep, seeking solace in its temporary reprieve

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