When she was about to open the door, she heard a scream. But it wasn't a frightened scream, it was a pained one. Being alert and worried at the same time, Max run inside the shop with her vampire speed, ready to protect her; using her reflexes she figured that Liv was upstairs, so she went up the stairs quickly and stood in front of the person who was trying to hurt her friend.

When Max looked the man in front of her, ready to prevent him from doing something, she froze. Kai was standing right before her eyes, looking at her as shocked as she was. He couldn't believe he'd see her again and so did Max.

On the one hand, the warlock thought that the brunette would still be a witch, she'd have grown up, probably have her own family, living somewhere near Portland. But that wasn't the case; his ex-girlfriend had become a vampire and was living outside of Mystic Falls, something he hadn't planned. He was going to find her at some point, make her suffer the way he did and cause her the pain she deserved, after sending him to the prison world. It's just that he didn't believe he'd see her so soon.

Max on the other hand couldn't even utter a word. Her eyes had widened so much no one thought it'd be possible. She kept saying in her head that he wasn't real, only an illusion but it wasn't working. After all, she did send him away and isolated him into that prison. Frankly though, that meet was bound to happen someday; Max only hoped that it would never occur.

The reasons to her unwillingness were many but the main one was the fact that Kai was bad news. If he ever came back, the entire normalcy in her life would vanish and it'd be replaced by pain and misery, because that's what he wanted to make her feel. In addition, Max was well aware of what the warlock could do. Feeling no remorse, he could possibly kill her friends, her mom and everyone she ever met but at the end, the blame would be on her because she was the one who betrayed him, the one who was supposed to be his soul mate and support him to everything he'd do, even if one of those actions was killing his own family.

"Max" Kai mumbled under his breath but Max, having a vampire hearing, heard it.

He was staring at her face, too mesmerized by her beauty. Even if the hate and revenge were clouding his mind, the truth was that he'd missed her. She was the only person that could trigger his sweet side and he was thankful for that. At least he had been before the betrayal.

Two seconds later, something snapped inside of him and the shocked expression left his face. Instead, a wicked smile took its place and the mischief in his eyes returned. Catching her off guard, he used the magic he'd absorbed from Liv and threw her to the wall.

"As much as I'd like to catch up with you, my love, I don't want to let Liv down" he emphasized the words 'my love' and then glanced at Liv, who was even more terrified at that moment.

"You were so bad at hide and seek. I mean you were four, but still...find a better hiding spot" he disapprovingly stated and moved the tables out of the way she had put to prevent him by getting closer. Kai started walking towards her threateningly, ready to kill her when Max got up and run up to him again, this time throwing him off the second story.

"I don't think you're good at playing games either. Come on!" she took Liv's hand and used her vampire speed once again to leave that place, getting her friend somewhere safe and away from the crazy warlock.


"Kai's back! Please Stefan, call me as soon as possible. Where are you guys?" Max urged as she left a voice mail on Stefan's phone. She thought that he was still with Damon, whom she called as well but she was sent to the voicemail again. Liv actually forgot to mention that she'd sent him and Elena to find Bonnie at the prison world because of Kai's appearance.

Unfinished Business 》Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now