- Let's go? - Blake turned to Dean. - I was thinking of grabbing breakfast on the way to your class if that's okay with you. Have you eaten?

- I have. - Dean glanced at him before going back to looking around like a soldier dropped into the middle of the jungle rather than a student on a university campus. - If you like, we can schedule a better meeting time, so you don't have to rush.

- Don't worry about it. - Blake smiled at the genuine concern in his voice. Dean was obviously not used to student life. - I just can't mix up the alarm with the calculator.

- The calculator? - Dean blinked. - I'm... I'm afraid I don't understand.

- Welcome to my world, - Blake joked, fishing his phone from his pocket to check the time. - We should go. Let's introduce you to your department.

They walked side by side, keeping a safe distance between them, and Blake couldn't help but steal occasional glances at the guy beside him. Dean gawked at their surroundings, his expressions a mixture of wonder and unease. The sun shone down upon him, highlighting the green in his hazel eyes; kissing his pale cheeks, giving them a rosy hue.

- When was the last time you left the house?

Dean stopped contemplating the buildings and turned to him.

- Hm... About three weeks ago, I believe.

- Wow, really? - He walked a couple of steps ahead and turned on his heels so he could face Dean while walking backwards. - That's a long time.

Dean's gaze fell. - I guess it is.

- I'm not making fun of you. - Blake rushed out. - To each their own. Maybe I'm just too extroverted for my own good.

Dean's lips curved slightly at the corner. - I don't think that's possible.

- Believe me, it is.- Blake adjusted the strap of the backpack on his shoulder. - Last year, there was a girl in one of my classes who had an amazing bike. One day, I was talking to her about it and her boyfriend showed---

- Watch out! - a warning cry echoed in the air.

It all happened in a flash.

His head snapped to the side, to the cyclist careening towards him. He braced himself for impact, squeezing his eyes shut. A violent tug on his backpack yanked him to the side as Dean grabbed his bag and pulled him back, only for Blake's body to go hauling in his direction. Dean jolted back, tripping over his own feet and landing on the ground. Blake stumbled over him but managed to stay on his feet, narrowly avoiding falling onto Dean.

- Are you okay? - Blake blurted out as soon as his brain finished rebooting from the shock.

Dean nodded, grimacing as he sat up on the dirty pavement. The cyclist hadn't even bothered to stop, already disappearing in the distance.

- I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. - Blake offered his hand. Dean looked at it and then up at him. - Right, my bad. Force of the habit. - He stepped back to give Dean space. - Are you hurt? -

- I'm not. - Dean stood up, brushing the dirt off his pants. - How about you?

- All good, thanks to you.

- It was nothing.

Blake raked a hand through his hair, frustration crawling up his chest. - It's my first day and I'm already blowing it.

- That's not true. - Dean's eyes wrinkled at the corners with genuine amusement. - These few minutes have already been more interesting than my whole month.

TOUCH OF HOPE  (MxM) (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें