0|12 Awkward Night

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🖤Mac's POV🖤

I don't know if it was the best idea in the world to agree to Ace's offer, but I didn't see much of a choice.

After we had agreed on the deal I told my mafia. A lot of them were iffy with allowing me to be on my own. We all were a big family, and they were like my brothers. It's truly what is best for us though. If someone does know where our base is, it is unsafe for us to be here. Especially me.

After I had finally got them to agree that it was for the best I had them pack up their belongings to get ready for yet another move. Ace came by and decided to help me with my packing.

"Are you positive this is what you want to do?" He asked with seemingly a little uncertainty in his voice. "Yes I am positive. You think it's what is best, and so do I." He nods in agreement.

By the time I am finished packing all my mafia had left except for Daniel because he wanted to say bye to me even though I will see him tomorrow.

"You know you will see me tomorrow correct? Just because we won't be living in the same house doesn't mean you're getting rid of me." He smiled and comes and hugs me. Daniel is one of the only people I will truly hug back. "Don't be going soft on me now Thorn. We need you to be strong. Fight for us okay?"

I nod in response and send him on his way.

Ace and I pack up the rest of my stuff into his car and start heading to his house. It isn't hat far from my place so it's not too bad.

Around 20 minutes of awkward silence in the car we finally arrive at his house. We get out of his car and he summons 2 men to come and get my bags.

"So your house isn't that much smaller than mine." He lets out a small laugh. "You still have me beat though Miss Mystery."

Ace took me on a tour of his house and finally arrived at my room. "Your humble abode is waiting." He says with a low bow.

"You might be more cringy than Dante."

He scoffs looking maybe the lightest bit offended, but I really didn't care. I am exhausted, but I am also starving.

After Ace left me alone I started unpacking my stuff in the room. My stomach started growling and I finally decided I needed to eat something.

I made my way down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible. I feel like it would be really embarrassing if I was caught looking for a midnight snack.

I finally found my way to the kitchen and started rummaging through all the cabinets trying to find something. I spot at the top of the one cabinet a can of Pringles. I try to stand on my tippy toes to reach them, but no such luck.

That was until I felt a heat on my back that burned my skin, but not in the bad way. A hand reached up and grabbed the can and brought them down to me.

I turn around knowing that it wouldn't be the best idea, and there he was. In sweatpants low enough where you can see his V line and no shirt. I stood for a while admiring his beautiful tattooed body when he finally speaks.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna tell me why you're not asleep."

I look at him as his eyes settle down on mine. "I couldn't sleep because I was too hungry."

Ace nods, but doesn't speak and doesn't look away from me. I feel the heat radiating off of his hand as he slowly drags it up my skin. Starting at my thigh he drags it up the curves of my hip all the way up to my chin. He grabs my chin and tilts my head up to look at him.

"You living here is going to be the death of me Miss Mystery." He mumbles so low it sounded like more of a growl.

Finally he moves after looking like he was debating something in his head. I grab the Pringles and made my way back upstairs leaving Ace downstairs.

I plop down in my bed and just stare at the ceiling.

"How did I manage to get here."

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapterI haven't been writing and that is my fault I've been a little distracted latelyI want to see at least 25 views on this new chapter and if it gets the views I will continue to write the storyI love you all and I...

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I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
I haven't been writing and that is my fault I've been a little distracted lately
I want to see at least 25 views on this new chapter and if it gets the views I will continue to write the story
I love you all and I hope you enjoy! :)

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