0|6 Sleep Over

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🖤Mac's POV🖤

I told the guys that they would have to drive their own cars back to my house, because there is no way all of them are fitting in my Audi. They happily agreed since they are at least able to stay the night at my house.

We arrive at my house and let me just say I am so ready to relax and watch a movie. "God damn your house is a palace." Ace says looking at my house. All the other guys have their mouths wide open in shock. "Yeah my house is big. Anyway let's go inside I have people you need to meet."

We walk inside the house and I make everyone sit in the living room. "Daniel! Would you and the boys come down here please?" I shout. Everyone looks at me confused. "What's up boss- I mean hey Mac. Who are your friends?" I give him a scowl. Luckily everyone didn't seem to notice. "Daniel these are people." "Yes Mac I see that. I take it their your "friends"." He says with a hint of amusement in his voice. "So my name is Daniel everyone. Me and the guys here are Mac's family." Everyone starts to relax a little bit at what Daniel just said. Daniel comes close to me and whispers, "Why is big buff guy staring at me like he's gonna strangle me?" I smirk at his comment, but none the less I have no clue why Ace is looking at him like that. "Well let me introduce everyone. This is Evelyn and Siri, the big buff guy is Ace and I have no idea who his friends are." I say trying to lighten the mood. Ace finally speaks up "that's Logan, Lucas and Dante." "Alright well I'm going up to my room to watch a movie." I get up and start walking up the stairs and all the randoms in my house follow me. This is gonna be a long night.

We settled on everyone sleeping on the floor, but Ace insisted on watching the movie on my bed, so now we are here. Siri keeps smacking Dante's hand away from hers, Evelyn is cuddled up to Logan and I'm laying on my bed starving with Ace staring at me. He thinks I don't notice, but I can feel him staring. I get tired of the stares and decide I'm gonna go make some popcorn. Ace takes it upon himself to follow along.

"So miss mystery has a name. Mac." He says with amusement." "Yep that's my name." I go to walk around him to the pantry, but he cautiously grabs me by my arm. I'm assuming not wanting to get hit. I wanna hear what he has to say so I allow to him continue. He holds me by my wait and looks straight into my eyes. I look back and he whispers, "you have the most beautiful eyes." Then he starts to lean so close I'm pretty sure he is gonna kiss me. Until Dante comes barreling down the starts yelling "Where's the popcorn!" Me and Ace jump back away from each other.

Ace walks away angrily grabbing his friend and dragging him back upstairs. Okay that cannot happen. I know exactly who Ace is. He is the leader of the Spanish mafia. It cannot happen. I need to start staying away from him, but I guess I'm screwed for the night.

I finally get the popcorn, I made 2 bags because I figured everyone would want some. I start making my way back up the stairs and into my room. I open the door and everyone is looking at me. This is weird. "Can I help u guys?" I ask because them staring at me is creeping me out. "Well we don't know a lot about you, so we were hoping we could play 20 questions so we can get to know you better." Evelyn says with a nervous look. I mean I don't have much to hide other than the whole mafia and fighting thing so I'll let them. "Okay, but if there is a question I don't want to answer I won't." "Deal!" Everyone says sounding excited.

"I'll go first and we can go in a circle after." Evelyn says. A bunch of chorused okays from everyone begins the start of this game. "How come you say you don't do friends?" Damn starting off with hard ones first. "I don't do friends because I don't trust people. People can snap and personalities change. I have zero trust in anyone unless they show me they can be trusted." "That's fair I guess, but how will you know they can be trusted if u don't give them a shot?" Evelyn asks. "They just have to work extra hard." Up next is Logan. "What did u do to grab Aces attention? He never talks to anyone but us and now he wants to talk to you." I slightly grin at Ace as I answer the question. "Well I suppose he realized everyone isn't scared of him when I grabbed his arm and almost broke it after he touched me." Everyone bursted out laughing and Ace just shrugged. "Me next me next!" Dante said enthusiastically. "Are you a virgin." Everyone stared at him like he was crazy for asking me that. Kinda funny. "Yes. Yes I am. I don't believe in just giving myself away." Everyone was shocked that I answered it. What can I say. I'm a pretty open book. Siri is the next person to get to ask a question. "Well I'm not weird like everyone else so what kind of genre of movies is your favorite." I liked this question. Very simple. "Thriller and horror" everyone nods like they are agreeing. Up next is Lucas. "Why don't you ever smile." That's a harder question to answer. They don't need to know my past. Come on brain come up with away around this. "I just don't. I don't think there is much to smile or be happy for." Everyone just kind of looks at me and nods. Like they won't ask anymore about it. Which is good. Ace is up next and I have a feeling he's going to dig deep. "Where are your parents." Yep. That dug deep. I won't show emotion though. I'm just gonna say it simply. "They are dead." Everyone looks at me for a second and then they all get up and hug me. Except for Ace. After they all realized what they did they jumped back. "Don't break my arm!" Dante said nervously. I slightly laughed at that. "I won't. It felt nice."

Everyone is now on their own spots on the floor, until I felt my bed dip down. I turn to face the person who decides it was ok to get on my bed. Of course it was Ace. He whispers to not wake everyone up, "I can't sleep on the floor. It's hurting my back." He says with a grimace. "So your wanting to sleep on my bed?" "Yeah kinda." He looks nervous. "Fine I'll take the floor." "No stay on here with me." He grabs me and pulls me towards him. Now he's cuddling with me and next thing I know he's drifting off into a peaceful sleep. I guess it's time to hope for a good sleep. Yeah right.



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Sorry about posting the next chapter late. I know I normally post one everyday, but I had some main stuff to do these past couple days prepping for vacation. I will try to update more on the story.
Let me know if you guys are enjoying the story! I know I am.
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