0|4 Who Is She

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🤍Ace's POV🤍

Who does this girl think she is? Grabbing me and almost breaking my arm. She was hot though. Shut up brain, she was not. I get pulled out of my thoughts as I hear the first period bell ring. Shit I gotta get to class.

I walk into class and I instantly get stares from everyone in the room. I look around the room and my eyes immediately fall on hers. Ugh why is she always everywhere? She's sitting in my spot too! I try to keep my cool and sit in the seat right in front of hers. Then I hear everyone gasp. "He didn't hurt her," "why didn't he tell her to move." People really can't seem to mind their own damn business. I give them a scowl and everyone shuts up and faces away. I look back at the mystery girl and she looks like she's ready to murder someone. Every time I see her she always looks like that though. Very interesting I think. I watch the door as Mrs. Willow walks into class even later than I was. She sets her stuff down on her desk and starts teaching right away. This is going to be a boring class.

Finally the bell rings and I couldn't be more thankful. I was really starting to fall asleep with her boring lesson. If someone said that history is supposed to be fun they deserve their ass beat. I start to walk to the back of the school where I have my smoke breaks and where I just hang out, but I see someone's shadow in the corner. I'm about to pull out my gun when suddenly a hand reaches around and flips me to the ground. I look up to see the mystery girl herself. "Is throwing people another one of your talents miss mystery?" She looked at me with with a slight grin and said, "Only when it has to be." Then she let her grin fall and her face turn back to ice cold as she faces away from me. Realizing that I'm staring at her I look away from her. She lets out a quiet scoff and starts to walk away. I debate going after her but then again. I'm Ace Alvarez. I don't chase girls, they chase me. Plus I have a feeling I'll be seeing her again very soon.

I hear the bell ring from inside the school and I stand up brushing my pants off. I start to make my way to the cafeteria when someone comes up from behind me and smacks me on the back of my head. I'm about to turn around and beat the shit out of the person who thought it would be a good idea to hit me, but then I just realize that it is just my friends. Lucas, Logan, and Dante all look at me and start laughing. I assume they are laughing at the mean scowl I had on my face, but whatever. We enter into the lunch room and I spot mystery girl sitting at a table with 2 girls. I don't think I've ever seen these girls before. Have they went here this whole time? She looks miserable sitting there, somewhat like she is ready to jump from the table and strangle everyone. Which I wouldn't be surprised if she did.

Me and the boys head to our table and just start having casual conversation. I'm lost in my thought watching Miss mystery when my friends snap me out of it. "Who the hell are you looking at bro?" My best friend Logan says trying to follow my line of vision. When he finally gets to see what I see he starts busting up laughing. "Who the hell is she? She looks like you but worse." All of my friends look over there and now I'm looking at the faces of some amused and confused friends. "It's nothing guys. I just had a couple run ins with her and I wanna know who she really is." I state matter of factly at the guys. "Sure you do bro. You look like your ready to eat her." Dante says with slight amusement in his voice. I just try to shrug off their comments and go to look back at miss mystery in the corner, but she's gone. She just disappeared. Weird. I'm definitely gonna have to find out some more information about her.

It's finally the end of the day and I start walking out of the school with all the of the guys. They are all talking about coming to my house after school to work on some new hacks for our mafia. We heard that the Italian mafia it's now living here and we need to make sure they stay out of our territory. If not we we are going to have a lot of issues.

When I get to my car I hear the sound of an engine turning on. I look around and see miss mystery getting on a really nice motorcycle. I wonder what she is doing here so late. She probably got detention for what she did this morning. I see her put on her helmet and speed off out of school. I can't help but stare at her because damn she looks good on that bike. God my brain needs to shut up.

Walking into my house the guys immediately take off upstairs to go and work on some of the technical stuff with the mafia. They are all really good with the technology stuff, especially Lucas. I walk into the kitchen because school lunch is shit and I just want regular food. I heard a shit ton of stomps from upstairs and I am assuming that the guys are going to be running downstairs to tell me something has happened with our mafia. "Ace dude guess what is going down tonight." Dante says seeming really excited for something that has happened with our mafia. "What happened? Who do we have to hunt down?" "No bro. It's nothing with the mafia. Jasmine is having a huge party tonight. We are totally going." I want to deny going to the party because we have better stuff to do, but seeing my friends so excited I guess is worth the torture of Jasmine flirting with me. Maybe miss mystery will be there. God damn it I need to stop thinking about her. "Alright I'm in."


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