0|7 Fight Night

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🖤Mac's POV🖤

I woke up this morning feeling alone. I remember last night Ace slept on my bed. I feel around and to my surprise he isn't in the bed. I sit up rubbing my eyes and look around. None of the guys are here, but the girls are still sound asleep. I look on my night stand to check the clock. 7 in the morning. Why is there a note on my desk. I pick up the note and open it. To my surprise it's from Mr. bad boy himself. The note read

Sorry, but me and the guys had to leave early this morning. We had some business we had to do. Sorry you didn't get to wake up in my arms beautiful. Hopefully see you soon.

As cocky as always. I just release a sigh and sit up. The girls are still sound asleep on the ground and I don't feel like waking them. I get off the bed and tip toe to the bathroom so I can take a shower because I feel like hell. I walk into the bathroom without waking the girls up and shut the door quietly. Starting the water I look at myself in the mirror and start getting undressed.

After my much needed shower I felt a little better. I still wonder why everyone wants to be my friend so bad. Maybe the chase? The mystery? Honestly I don't know, and I don't know if I should trust them.

I figured there is only one person who could really help me out with that answer so I slowly and quietly make my way out of my room and to Daniel's. He is normally awake at this time, so I'm not too worried about waking him up. I knock on his door and I hear a brief "it's open" and I walk in. I see Daniel on his bed so I go sit on his bed and lay on him. "What's on your mind Mac?" I sigh and look up at him. "Do I trust them? They want to be my friends, but do I let them in?" Daniel looks at me and pats my head. " I think if they are worth it, you give them a chance. I know trusting the guys is hard, but I can't push everyone away. Those girls seem to Really want to be your friend, and so do the guys. I know the guys are part of a rival gang, but maybe you can become allies if they knew you are the leader of ours. I think Ace also has a thing for you." I scoff at that. "Ace doesn't have feelings. He is like me. Doesn't believe in love." He looks at me and shakes his head. "It may seem that way Mac, but things change. People change. He could truly be different than what you have him pictured as. All I'm saying is yes I think you should trust them and give them a chance. I'm not saying change yourself, but I'm saying attempt to let them in okay?" I nod my head knowing he's probably right. I stand up and give him a brief thank you and head back to my room.

I head back into my room and see that the two girls are now waking up. "Morning guys" I say to them trying to be friendly, but it just comes out as cold. All I hear back in hmms.

After the girls awoke fully they left leaving me here alone with my thoughts. Now I'm watching YouTube. Suddenly my phone buzzes which normally it never does unless it's from my workers or my manger for fighting. Yep my manager.

Manager: Fight tonight. Be ready and be here at 9

Im not in the mood to talk so I just send back a thumbs up. I look at the time and see that it's already 5. We'll I can watch some more videos until I have to get ready.

As 8 rolls around I finally get up and start grabbing my stuff. I grab my hoodie and everything else I need. My hoodie is the main part because it covers my face. I grab my keys to my bike and I start my way to the underground fighting ring.

I arrive at the fighting ring at 8:40 still giving me plenty of time to get ready. It's my first time fighting in this place, but it's supposedly one of the best. And I am the best so I guess I will be the judge.

I walk in and go to find my manager. Instead I see something very interesting that caught my eye, or more like someone. And I seemed to catch their eye too. Ace was up on the ring fighting. When he seen me he mouthed Mac? Then went back to the fight. As soon as I start to rush away I hear the ding of the bell meaning I take it Ace won. I didn't want Ace to see me again so I told my manager to meet me in my dressing room.

My manager finally walks in and tells me that I'll be fighting some guy named the Ripper. Supposedly he's the best fighter here. I guess we will see about that. I wrap my hands and throw my hoodie on, I use a safe tape to tape it to my hair so it won't fall off. Then I hear that I'm on. Let's get this party started.

I hear them announce the Ripper, and now it's my turn.

Here they are. New to this ring, but not new to fighting. They go by THORN!

I take it people know me here because I got more cheers than the Ripper did which seemed to piss him off. Which is pretty funny. I saunter out into the ring and the Ripper is looking at the announcer like he's crazy. "I'm not fighting this midget! I'll kill them!" I just reach my hand out for him to bump as a sign that I'm ready and he hits it back letting me know he will fight. Next thing we know the bell rings.

He attempts to attack me first, but fails. I go for a punch to the stomach, but he moves. He is moving mainly on his left leg showing me he is injured on his right. As soon as he goes to hit me I duck and kick him straight in his right leg. He falls to the ground and I jump on him and keep punching and punching. Until I'm grabbed off. The announcer says I won and people cheer like crazy. I look down to see the Ripper knocked out, and then I look up. Big mistake.

Ace is staring right into my eyes. My hood is up, but I have a feeling he knows it's me. I hop out of the ring, grab my money from the manager and go straight into my dressing room. I lock the door and he can't get in now. I know there is a back door so I'm just going to go out that.

I change out of my clothes and grab my keys. I head out the doors of the arena and head to my motorcycle.

I return home and go upstairs to assess the damage done to me when the doorbell rings. I grab my gun and head for downstairs. I know only someone stupid would come here this late at night. I walk downstairs and grab the door handle. I yank it open and by surprise it's Ace standing there staring into the barrel of my gun.


A/NHi guys I hope you enjoyed this new chapter!I hope you also enjoy the memes I put! I find them funny Leave some votes and comments if your liking the book so far!I'm trying to update the book more, but I have been really busy recently

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Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this new chapter!
I hope you also enjoy the memes I put! I find them funny
Leave some votes and comments if your liking the book so far!
I'm trying to update the book more, but I have been really busy recently

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