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Dylan after hearing everything Alessia shared with Diane, had quite a reaction. His face showed an indescribable expression, and he quietly left for his room.
Alessia, overcome with emotions, tried her best to hold back her tears. But sometimes, it's just too much to bear. She cried herself to sleep in Diane's comforting presence. Diane gently arranged Alessia on the bed, ensuring she was comfortable, and then left for her own room.
That night, Said came to visit Alessia. She was just waking up. She wanted to take off her cloth, wash up and change into something light. "Alex, how are you feeling?" He asked her immediately he arrived. The sound of his voice brought a sense of warmth and comfort, easing her troubled mind. With a playful tone, she said " You should let me know that you're coming before magically appearing in my room out of thin air. I was just about to take my bath, and imagine if you had walked in on me getting dressed." She went over to where he was standing and hugged him. "I'm fine. I've missed you badly."
"I know you have" Said responded smiling at her. "And I knew you were alone and fully dressed. The portal shows your current activity or I could just do the mind thing first before apparating." He said laughing hard at her. "Hush!! They will hear you." She said panicking. "They won't, I'm magic Alexxx" he said for the umpteenth time face palming. "How many times do I need to say this to you?" "I'm sorry, I forgot" she laughed.
"I need to take my bath now" she said. "Alright, see you tomorrow" he said. And with that, he was gone. When she was done taking her bath and changing into a light outfit, she tied her hair into a mess bun, giving her this cute and lazy look. As she decided to go to bed, she heard a knock on her door. As she was about to head over and open the door, she smelled him. She was stunned 'didn't we agree to avoid each other? What is he doing knocking on my door?' She questioned herself. She opened the door and stepped back.
Opening the door, Dylan walked in. He looked at her dress and he was stunned for few seconds. "Aren't you coming down to eat?" He asked her. "I am not hungry" she answered dryly turning around and heading towards her bed. "The staffs told me you didn't eat throughout the whole day." He said. "Are you planning not to eat from the pack house anymore?" He questioned. "What I do and do not do is none of your business." she responded picking up her phone. He was silent. She fixed her gaze on him and said "if you have nothing else to say, you should leave." Dylan lifted his left brow at her. "Someone is coming over tomorrow you should dress up and head downstairs. We will be having breakfast together." He said. "And who is this person coming over tomorrow? Is it your Luna?" She asked. He hesitated before he replied "yes." "Okay." She responded and focused her gaze back at her phone. He looked at her expecting to see a reaction but it never came, he left. She lifted her gaze from her phone and looked at the spot he had been standing and continued with what she was doing on her phone. She could hear her heart shattering into pieces hearing what he said, but she had no more tears to cry and she was too tired to feel bad.

The next day, Alessia was awakened by a knock on the door. She quickly got up and went to answer it. The maid standing there told Alessia to get dressed because someone was coming to visit. She took her bath and got dressed. She was dressed in a white gown that has a flowy silhouette with delicate lace details, with a sweetheart neckline. She paired it with a pair of elegant heels adorned with glistening crystals. The crystals catch the light and give the shoes a glamorous sparkle. She wore a set of jewelry piece. The necklace has a delicate chain with a stunning pendant, while the earrings are dainty and complement the necklace perfectly, adding a touch of glamour. It's a set that exudes elegance.
Alessia poured down her wavy blonde hair, the curly waves adds so much texture and movement to her hairstyle. The waves give her hair a playful and carefree vibe. And finally she places a tiara on her head. It's radiating elegance and sophistication. The tiara has intricate detailing with sparkling gemstones, adding a touch of royalty to her look. She applied her pink gloss. Alessia looked at her reflection on the mirror smiling in satisfaction. She picked up her phone and left her room.

Getting to the dinner area, she found out that everyone was already seated. She walked over to them gracefully and took her sit besides Diane because she found out that a woman was on her previous seat. 'She should be his Luna' she said to herself. "Good morning" she greeted to the people at the table. "Good morning Alessia, how was your night rest?" Seth asked her. "It was good" she responded with a beautiful bright smile that was capable to blind people on her face. "Good morning Alessia. The woman sitting beside Dylan is Sarah Reece, alpha Seth's sister. Our soon to be Luna." Aiden said to her with a smirk on his face. The staffs that were busy dishing the meal were shocked and thrilled to hear the news. Alessia fixed her gaze at Sarah. Sarah had a proud smile on her face, same smile was on a strange woman's face that looked exactly like her. 'It should be her mom' Alessia said to herself. She took her gaze away from Sarah's face and focused it back on the food on the table "I heard" she replied indifferently. "How does it feel watching your mate get married to another woman? A man you stood up for? I told you, he wasn't what he said he was" the lady from the previous night said while laughing. Alessia just smiled sweetly at the lady and said nothing else, but the lady was only getting started. "Another woman is taking your place. Oh, poor you, I can't imagine what you must be feeling." Alessia felt her phone vibrating in her hand and she opened it and saw that Said had just sent her a text "I'm in your room." "I'm on my way." She responded. The lady thinking that Alessia was ignoring her again was about to speak when Alessia spoke up. "The only thing I'm feeling right now is loss of appetite" she said. And with that she rose to her feet and left the dining area.
Getting to her room, she said "I'm so glad you're here, I'm famished Said" she complained. "Alright" he said waving his hand at the direction of her table. He watched her rush over to the table and hurriedly ate the food. "Alessia, you know you can leave this place with me right now, right?" He asked her. "I want to, but I can't" she responded. "Why?" He asked. "Because he's my mate and I'm his mate Said." She replied.

Authors Note: Check out Alessia's outfit on Facebook "AOprahh1"

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