Lily's POV

We successfully got Copper out of there, by using my Dream-scape to bring fire out from my dream, into the old house. Copper seemed off though, since we teleported back to Vacuo, and she died for a moment due to hypothermia. I walked between both her and Evan in silence. It snowing here too. The old streetlights not helping Evan, because he'd casually run into one of said lamp posts, every dozen feet. Copper suddenly sits in the deep snow. Burying her face in the black leather jacket she was wearing.

"Sis what's wrong?" I ask as Evan stops beside me, an arm wrapped around  my shoulders, as encouragement.

"Why do I still do this." She mutters, crying.

"Copper if you don't get up, you're wasting another one of your lives." Evan states.

I glare at him for a moment, looks back to Copper, "Sis, like he says, come on let's get going."

Copper stands up her face still covered, following us in sad silence. I honestly had no idea on what I was suppose to tell her. We continues walking for a few more blocks getting to Evan's shop. Evan immediately, takes some money from the register looking at me.

"Take care of your sister, make sure she doesn't kill herself here that's bad for business. I'm going to go buy food, since my kitchen is empty." He pulls up his black hood marching outside of the store again.

I lead Copper to the kitchen having her sit at the table as I pull out a bottle of cinnamon whiskey Evan had on the top of the fridge. Hoping to get Copper to clam down with it. "Take a swig and talk to me." I say sliding it over to her, it bumping her as it was laying on the table.

She groans pushing the bottle away, "I don't drink..." She mutters.

"You're the only one old enough to. So you should at least try it once." I persuade her.

"No..." She mutters wiping away tears again.

"Come on you're the strongest person I know, tell me what's wrong, before you attract grimm." I say, "You also don't need to be sober to tell me, it it makes it easier."

She glares tear streaming down her face, "Even though I killed our parents... I still full-filled their wishes. Who does that! I also try staying away from Ace like mother told me,. Do you know how painful it is to push someone away for so long! Do you know how painful it is to die 4 times!"

I frown, pointing to the Whiskey again, "Copper you've been thought the most. You're the oldest. The strongest. But what's the price if you don't live your life they way you want to?" I say as she follows my directions.

She makes a gagging noise before sitting the bottle away from herself. "You're saying, I'm too..."

"You don't act on your own, you always have something pushing you towards any direction you take," I say, "Too indecisive."

She nods wiping her face with the back of her hand again, seemingly being okay now. "What should I do then?" She mutters.

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