𝟎𝟏𝟖 "𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲"

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The next week went by, Evelyn texting Stephanie, conversations in the hallway, frankly Skylar and Oliver were surprised by this, almost scared.

Aside from that, everything was normal. Except Kaz's birthday coming up.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Oliver asked, sitting in Mighty Med's break room.

"I don't know, you called us in here!" Evelyn snapped, referring to Oliver coming here on the weekend and making her and Skylar sit down to talk.

"Fair. I was thinking we throw a party at the domain." He suggested.

"Good idea. Who's gonna convince Wallace and Clyde?" Skylar asked. Both Oliver and Evelyn touched their noses before her. "Ugh fine."

"When is his birthday?" Evelyn inquired.

"Next Saturday - so we have a week to plan." He explained.

Evelyn nodded, then her phone buzzed. "Hm. Steph." She read, "one second let me see what she needs." She stood up and left the room.

"Hey, Steph." She said into the phone, crossing her arms. "What's up?"

"Well Kaz was texting me and asked if I was exited for Saturday. And since you know him so well-" she said, dragging on the 'L'.

"It's his birthday. And it's okay that you don't know it, I literally just found out. We are planning on throwing a surprise party at the domain if you'd like to help plan. But also they don't really like you."

"I'm not on speaker right?"

"No. Why?"

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure what's up?"

"At Kaz's party, I'm planning on dumping him."  Stephanie said, where you can practically see her smirk through the screen.

"What?!" Evelyn said, almost a little too loud.

Oliver and Skylar whipped their heads around. "What's going on?" Skylar asked from the other room.

"Call you back," she said quickly and hung up. "Yeah I'm not calling her back," she mumbled.

Evelyn sat down back at the table. "Have I told you guys I don't like Stephanie? I mean I have, but since we started hanging out? Because I was just trying to be nice. I don't like her. At all."


"Oh thank goodness!"  Skylar said, wrapping her arms around Evelyn.

"She just told me something."

"What?" Oliver asked.

"That she was gonna break up with Kaz. On his birthday."

"What?" Skylar blurted. "Tell him."

"I know Kaz. And I know he's gonna believe Stephanie more."

Evelyn shrugged, "can't hurt to try." She grabbed her phone and went to call.

★ pheebs
★ Kaz

She clicked on Kaz to call and put it on speaker.

"Hey, what's up?" He said, you could tell he just woke up.

"Hey, I wanted to tell you something. But you need to promise me you won't freak out or get mad."

"I won't."

"You have to promise- in a full sentence."

Kaz sighed, laughing. "Okay, okay. I promise I won't freak out or get mad. Now, what is it?"

"Uh. Well, basically-"

"Your girlfriend's gonna break up with you! On your birthday..." Skylar blurted.

"What? Skylar!" She replied.


Evelyn sighed, "yeah she called me and told me. Don't get mad."

"I promised you I wouldn't. But I'm not okay with it. Why would you just lie like that? Why would she tell you? You guys aren't even friends. You constantly talk bad about her."

"Kaz if you couldn't tell since you're too busy with your horrible girlfriend you would know I gave her a change and she blew it. Did I talk bad about her then? No. You're so delusional that you think a close friend is lying? We've been friends longer than you and that brat have been dating."

"Hey! Don't go around calling her things. At least I can rely on her."

"Rely on her? She calls me a billion times to ask things about you."

"Because she cares. She's trying."

"Not enough if she's gonna break up with you."

"Just stop. I'm done I said I wouldn't get mad, sorry. But I won't be friends with a lying traitor."

The call ended. Evelyn sat there, staring at her phone. 'Call ended - 2:18'. Two minutes of fighting about some dumb girl.

"It's okay, Ev. Kaz will know by the time his birthday comes." Skylar said, laughing.

"I'm just gonna text him." She said, "I'll say just you wait."

"It says can't send." Skylar said.

"Wait, he blocked you." Oliver said. "Woah."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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