009 "𝐍𝗼 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲"

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Evelyn didn't sleep. She just sat there. She stared blankly through the window, filled with thought.

Something about her wanted to be alone. The other part needed someone to talk to. Someone, anyone.

Knock. "Hey, you good?" Asked a voice, "It's Kaz."

Nope. Not him.

"Hello?" He asked again, after waiting a little while.

Evelyn's chest tightened, she didn't want to talk. Especially to him. He put so much effort into making sure she was okay, she never asked about him, while she just ranted about stuff that was probably just dumb.

She felt the tears coming back, her bringing her knees up to her chest. Before she knew it, she was sobbing.

Kaz still waited and waited. And waited. "Maybe she fell asleep," he said, shrugging to Skylar.

"Her breaks almost over. She has to get back to work." She mentioned.

Evelyn heard zero of their conversation, just mumbles.

Until he knocked again, louder. "Come on, we know you're in there."

"Fine, come in." She said through tears.

Kaz opened the door and sat on a chair. He noticed how messy her room was, but probably wasn't near as messy as his.

Evelyn lifted her head and used her sleeve to wipe her tears.

"What happened?"


"I know it's not nothing. C'mon. You're crying, and you refused to tell me. You are an amazing friend. And trust me, I talk about me enough. So just tell me what's going on with you?"

"It's just, I was considering trying to do this trail thing with my family and if it went well, then I could be a superhero again with them." She explained through her sobs and hiccups.

"And... What happened?"

"I had this dream, of I don't even know, if I went through with it and it went super badly. It's telling me that if I do do it, that's how it'll end. Worse than the first time."

"Well, there's something that I heard saying fear is just another reason to try harder."

"Wow where'd you get that?" She asked.

"Television," he said, making them both laugh.

She laughed, then said, "Thanks."

Kaz and Evelyn hugged, but it seemed longer than usual. Evelyn didn't dislike it or the thought of it though. But the thought came to mind: Why hasn't he pulled away yet? Wait, what if he doesn't hate the thought, either?

She brushed it off, and waited before pulling away. She used her sleeve once again to wipe her nose, "Well, we should probably get back to work." She said, changing the subject as easily as possible.

"Yeah," he replied.

She grabbed her coat and put it back over her shirt, starting to go back to work.

As she was working, her mind would normally being going to her family. But now she's thinking about Kaz.

Word Count:

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝗼-𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐚𝐳 𝐱 𝐎𝐂)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt