002 "𝐔𝐧𝐧𝗼𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝗼𝐰𝗼𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫"

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Evelyn walks around the halls of her work place, Mighty Med in her lab coat with simple clothes underneath. While walking, she sees two boys her age.

"Look, I'm a rooster!" The boy yells, making the girl chuckle.

His friend did not find his quips funny. "Stop Kazzing around!"

She walks past them, trying to hold back her laugh. This attempt failed slightly.

"Fine," he gave up. "But you owe me a new glove!" He starts to walk at the seat that was close to hers.

She starts quietly working. Thoughts of hearing about their first day come to mind. She had never worked a shift with them, at least not noticing them. All she knew is that they were the normos.

"Hey, Oliver. Did you study for the test?" He asks.

The boy named Oliver sighed, "Yes. But before you ask, I'm not telling you the answers!" He points at his irresponsible friend.

Evelyn turns around, getting engaged at the fight between the two strangers. She laughs at the argument.

Kaz takes a quick glance, then just turns back. "C'mon, man! Just this one time!"

Evelyn had her legs crossed and her elbow on her knee, resting her chin on the hand. She couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Once?" Oliver laughs, "You always say that! Stop relying on me! I'm leaving, study on your own!" He storms out.

Evelyn continues chucking and Kaz turns around and she stops. "Sorry," she says.

"Hey, what school do you go to? Or read 'How to Kill a Mockingbird'?" The boy questions, in hopes they go to the same one, so he gets ansewrs.

She looks at him, turns back to her desk and types some things for her operation report. "None. And why would I read that? It sounds so boring."

"What, but you look like fourteen, or at least around my age!"

Kaz was right. Surprisingly. She didn't want him to figure out. While the girl was smart, she wasn't smart enough to have already graduated college.

"Ugh just... reasons, okay? No more questions." The young girl says, hanging her head low.

"Really? C'mon!" He protests. She gives him a look and he sighs, giving a reply of "Fine."

She turns around, about to get back to work. But, at that very moment, a blonde appeared into the room, injured on a gurney. She knew who she was. She wore a black and red suit. It had a red belt that had the letters 'FT' in the middle, standing for 'Flame Thrower.'

"Pheebs, again?" She asks her, "Why do you always get hurt?"

"Uh, cause I'm a superhero. Says more than you." She says, making her younger sister get annoyed. She only stopped being a superhero because of experiences, almost getting hurt because of her parents. Also because she does not want to see them.

Evelyn took the gurney and pushed her to a section into the room. She hears Kaz walk around to the side of the gurney. "It's Flame Thrower! What happened?" He asked in shock.

"Um, I got hurt?" Phoebe said sarcasticly to the boy, making him roll his eyes.

"I'm on my break." Evelyn said, "Hey, can you two just do it?"

"Why?" He asks, even though he felt honoured. He found Flame Thrower an amazing hero.

"You're the closest person to me." She smiles innocently to the slightly offending comment.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝗼-𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐚𝐳 𝐱 𝐎𝐂)Where stories live. Discover now