Chapter 19 - Muddy footprints

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•• DEAN'S POV ••

I am crossing my fingers hoping that she'll agree to go home with me but I really don't know what I'd do if she says No. My dick is getting harder by the second and I need her to decide right now.

"" I ask her

" Have you decided?", I continue to ask her because we're now less than a minute away from her house.

If it was up to me we'd actually fly to my house in this instance.

" I'll go with you", she finally says smiling.

I am happy to hear that but I need to make sure she wants to do this as well- not because she feels pressured to do so, by me.

I quickly look at her and I supress the smile trying to form on my face,

"But it's cool if you don't feel like it tonight" I say- the words sounding so foreign coming out of my mouth.

" Dean, just drive. I know what I am doing", she snaps.

" Whatever you say Ma'am", I tell her before doing a full circle turn on my car and drive to another direction- increasing my car speed . Fuck yeah!

My mind begins to flash images of the different positions I would like to have her in. I want to fuck her until she forgets her name. I will claim, own and have her screaming my name. When I am done with her, I will leave her questioning her morals.

I quickly shift in my seat as my dick starts to feel like it will explode in this suit. I need to focus. Or maybe I can just pull over to the side and fuck her there then take her back home. At least that way she won't have to go to my house.

Her phone rings, I look over at her and she quickly reaches for it then rejects the call.

" My dad", she says whilst waving her phone in the air and rolling her eyes.

I smirk,

"What if it's something important?", I tell her knowing very damn well that is not true, he is probably calling because he wants to hear some bad news about this date or worse, tell her to send him her location so he can send his minions to come fetch her.

Amber laughs as she places her phone back in her bag,

" You don't know my dad at all, he is being his usual monitoring self but I don't feel like speaking to him right now", she says pauses,

" He might just force his way or try to trace my location and show up uninvited - he usually did that in my previous dates and this time I won't let him", she says looking at me.

I look at her then smile before turning my eyes on the road. I am proud of her standing up against Arthur but given this situation, I don't think it's wise to do so.

Her dad is doing what any normal father would do if their daughter was out on a date with a guy she hardly knows.

" How about you and your dad?" , she says pulling me back from my dark thoughts and I look at her. This question makes me uncomfortable.

" What about us?" I ask alarmed because first of all, Stephen and I don't have a relationship.

I am only communicating with him because he insists on it and quite frankly, he is the only one that can tolerate living with me and he gives me the space and the freedom I need.

Unlike Miranda, Stephen knows how far to go with me and which lines not to cross and my sister keeps trying to force us to get along and play happy family.

Otherwise, I hate both of my parents.

" Does he always check on you everytime you're out too?", she says.

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